The highest detail settings at full HD resolution will play at over 60 FPS with the fast mid-range GeForce GT 540M. The less powerful Radeon HD 6630M was able to provide acceptable frame rates on the ultra settings as well, but at about half the average of the GeForce GT 540M.
To true, My friend runs it on his onboard GPU with out any probs lol.I have no clue what they are talking about Fifa 11 or 12 plays on basically anything.
What are you talking about? Nobody disagrees that programming games for the PC is trickier than that of a standardised console. That's not to say that people have a hard time getting games to work. Gaming on the pc these days is a lot more easier as most of the hardware does a decent job with the data it is handling. Gone are the days where you had to set up your own IRQ for graphic cards and sound cards. Sure some people have trouble but it's not as bad as you are hyping it up to be. Most of the problems of games not running well that I've personally encountered were due to bad ports (i.e. GTA4; fifa 9 and 10).I actually like EA games, great music also IMHO. I'm pretty sure they are referring to PC's with thousands of different (mostly low end CPU/GPU with insufficient cooling) hardware configs being more difficult to develop for than the 3 major consoles - remember WiiU...
Not to mention the complaints people will have about the game not running well because of virus/malware and user error. Some games have auto-detect which is awesome but the "just buy cheapest" trend causes some people to be butt hurt, they can still try the brilliant OnLive if they have a decent net connection.
How else do you suggest supporting every config for PC gaming? Isn't that what DirectX is about?