Say What? Average PC Cannot Handle EA's Ignite Engine

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People here forget fifa is a game that sells alot better oversea's then it ever will here. It's not really fair to look at your PC here on a board that is for PC enthusiasts and say everyone in the world could run this game when its not really true.

Most average people don't have a graphics card anywhere near what even a mid-range enthusiast PC would have. If you just walk into best buy and buy there 3 to 6 hundred dollar PC that probably wouldn't cut it.
I actually like EA games, great music also IMHO. I'm pretty sure they are referring to PC's with thousands of different (mostly low end CPU/GPU with insufficient cooling) hardware configs being more difficult to develop for than the 3 major consoles - remember WiiU...

Not to mention the complaints people will have about the game not running well because of virus/malware and user error. Some games have auto-detect which is awesome but the "just buy cheapest" trend causes some people to be butt hurt, they can still try the brilliant OnLive if they have a decent net connection.

How else do you suggest supporting every config for PC gaming? Isn't that what DirectX is about?
i understand what they're trying to say actually. the number of pc gamers is a niche of all pc's out there.

but that's where the logic ends. they're including people that don't even play games on their pc's. i'm sure the average pc gamer that has 20+ legitimately purchased games can run your crappy games. basically, if they're willing to purchase games, they probably are willing to buy some decent parts.
Soo what they are saying is.....Since we don't want you to resell are piece of crap PC games (because we don't want to waste our time/$ on PC games), we aren't going to even bring the game to the PC. Plus we make more at the inflated console game prices (think PC game sales that happen all of the time).
First I would like to know exactly what EA considers the average PC. Now is this an old integrated GPU? Is it an APU? What exactly are you referring to?

Second Gaming systems will be and always be more powerful than a console system. My system now is more powerful than the next gen consoles so I really think EA needs to realize that the PC Gaming community has the hardware not the mainstream PC's.

EA for the last 2 years has been voted the worst gaming company. And they wonder why? Here is how to change that, stop being so lazy and realize with out PC gamers' you would not have a company. When they started the games were mostly played on PC if not for us they wouldn't exist.
Based on the advertised processing power of the PS4, $400 console, it would take about $600 to get similar performance on a PC (though the PC can do much more than a console with also more storage and other better features)
I would agree with them if they are referring to standard cookie cutter PC's available at any retailer. These over priced and under powered machines can barely play FaceBook games. Consoles on the other hand are a closed eco system with a very specific set or hardware that never changes from one user to another so programming/optimizing a game engine is quite easy compared to a PC with numerous configurations. But all that anyone really needs to know is this is EA. A company that sells half finished games then charges you for things that should have been in the game from the start. Or makes a pathetic attempt to apologize for being a crappy company and goes on to blame consumers for all it's problems. This is just another excuse to shift the blame from them and not being able to or simply not wanting to optimize their game code for PC over to consumers systems.

Same here. I vote with my wallet, so when they eventually get the picture (at least I hope so) they will change their ways (again hoping so in the future). Look what M$ did with the outcry on the Xbox one. Now if they could allow me to disconnect the Kinect and only connect it up when I needed it for a game/app then I "might" consider it. Until then, I won't even bother with the Xbox one.
lol at all the angst up in here.

There's one clear advantage the consoles have that you will not find in any PC, and that's a combination of fast access to unified-memory with a decent powered GPU.

Sure, you can get unified memory in an AMD or Intel APU, but the bandwidth is like 5-10x faster, in the consoles. Also, the consoles feature a much more powerful GPU than you'll find an any APU in the PC space.

So, if their engine depends on lots of GPU compute, that could be the reason it'll run poorly on PCs. Because APU-based PCs have a weak GPU and graphics cards have nowhere near the bandwidth to the CPU that the consoles do. Even over x16 PCIe 3.0.

Thats why developers have APIs to work with with to develop their games.
With the next-gen consoles moving toward an x86 architecture, the Xbox, PS4 and PC share even more in common than any previous generation of consoles (that makes development easier).
The Xbox and PC will have common DirectX APIs whereas the PS4 will have OpenGL.

There is no point defending developers/publishers for being lazy and not put actual effort into PC development. It is true that its also easier to optimize for a fixed hardware, but this is still an excuse not to develop for PC when it has never been easier for developers to develop cross-platform products.
He didn't get into technical details, but it's actually true that most PCs are going to struggle for a while vs. the new consoles in one particular area - namely video RAM.

Both of the new consoles use unified memory architectures. The most memory intensive things to store are visual assets - textures, models, animations. The more detail you add, the more memory it uses. The game objects by comparison take up a relatively small amount. So it's very possible you could see ~4GB of the available memory on the consoles being devoted to graphics objects.

In the past, because most games were built primarily to target the 360 and PS3, if your PC had even a 1GB card, that was still far more than the consoles had, so it was a non-issue. This new console generation is going to change that, and while you can buy videocards with 4GB or more of VRAM today, the vast majority of gamers don't have them.
Why would I care about anything EA has to say?
Like... im not even buying their games.
And im quite sure some avid hacker will find a way to play it on PC if ppl really want to play EA games (not sure why that would happen).
"Mass Effect 3 Ending, we remmber".
With respect to EA they can stuff it they have Destroyed one of my Favorites games Sim city and this what a lot of bullshit my computer is about two year old and it can still run every game of very High I7-2600 570GTX and 8GB RAM 1TB Black WD i guess i have to move back to Pro Evolution And i think all PC user should do the same may be then they will learn the lesson for being lazy and stupid
Typical EA to make this statement. Not surprised at all. What else do you expect from the top rated worst company (shakes head). EA continues to do what it can to generate market hype for the new consoles and I expect more coming from them. The average PC eh? So vague. -.-
consoles meh.... They still can't even do 1080p at 60fps let alone what my pc can do with AA and Anisotropic cranked up!
Most games I see on my PS3 are only 720p let alone 1080p
Considering pc gaming is making a comeback now, They are shooting themselves in the foot!
3930 OC
32gb ram
2x780's SLI
240gb Revo drive 3 x2
I seriously don't think consoles will ever catch my pc and when they are ready to I will have already upgraded. What is more amusing is both next gen consoles are becoming even more pc like with now off the shelf parts instead of dedicated hardware made for the console, In other words it's becoming a pc!
Enough of the pissing contest I along with other true hardcore gamers out there have all platforms and nothing even comes close to a dedicated pc gaming rig. And with resolutions over 1080p or played in 1080p 3d it is amazing. I spend 99% on the pc instead of the consoles now, All you console fanboys, EMBRACE PC land as that is what is going to be in your lounge room soon enough. 😉
Next biggest craze regardless of platform will be the come back of VR, This time it has a good chance of being done right as the hardware is getting fast enough to run it unlike early 90's! Occulus Rift has potential, That is where I want my games to go, I want to be inside the game couldn't care if it's on PC ,Xbox , PS4 or hell even a MAC!
What they mean to say is that they are too lazy to actually export code for the PC, and it takes a whole lot of resources to run a console emulator on your computer with modern HD graphics.
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