Scientist: Immortality, Superhumaness in 20 Years

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I don't buy it. Everything created by humans is inherently flawed, and the human body has inherent flaws, so human life will always end with death.

As for the virtual experiences, it sounds extreme but plausible.
I think this is 20 years away, and will always remain 20 years away.
The promise of virtual sex!? The future is bright... or dim depending on your point of view.

Though, they said we'd be flying around like the jetsons by now way back in the sixties or something, so I'm not about to hold my breath.
I particularly like the long list of references given in this article.
YES! Not only computers and devices have downtimes with firmware upgrades, now us humans can enjoy the pleasure of randomly updating to fix some bugs if that so happens to be. Maybe it will even happen while I'm crossing the street while a bus is coming
in spite of all the comments above , i think that if not 20 a bit more , but it is possible ... intel says we'll be simulating a whole cell based on protein folding in 2016 ... nano understanding is the prerequisite to nano engineering ... think positive guys, the singularity will dawn upon us ... come on , we'll celebrate 100 years anniversary of crysis ! future tech always sounds like fantasy but look over the past 500 years ...
If this technology were to come around, even if it was possible to take one injection and live forever...the companies who hold the technology would never allow it. it wold require a "subscription" plan that would need to be renewed anually.
Is there any new facts or breakthroughs to support this claim? How is this news? Because some crazy guy said it.... ?? In the 50s they claimed everyone would have their own jetpack in 20 years... some things are out of our grasp, without a serious breakthrough. News of predictions isn't news.
[citation][nom]vorless[/nom]Nanotechnology cannot save you from having your head blown off, yet.....[/citation]

thats invincibility not immortality
Assuming that castration goes along with it, this is NOT going to help the overpopulation problem... Besides, over a long enough timespan, you have 100% probability of dying from something other than old age...

PS: I assume that none of you christians/muslims/jews would be signing up for this, since "god" is going to give you "eternal life" anyways, right?
The science is there, but the social engineering takes a lot longer to over come. There are still those on this planet that fear artificial body replacements, like heart valves.

My personal favorite is... Stop trying to play God. I would if I actually thought God existed.
For those of you that are non-believers I say you don't understand nanotechnology. I have written multiple reports about it while I was in college. When nanotechnology really takes off... it will change the world in ways that you wouldn't believe. There are websites dedicated to the changes that are comming.

The last line is more of a joke. You can't take that seriously. Alouth some parts may be machine you would be more likely to see a person with a real replacement arm. Being completely realistic nanobots may some day give you the ability to re-grow the arm that just got blowen off in a war. Not in months.. but in just a few days.

If you are wondering... I'm not going to explain how it works. Just read about it, do plenty of research, it's a very interesting topic.
This sounds all good and wonderful, but what people don't realize is that the you you think you are is no longer the same once it is so heavily changed and modified, and that the existence you live is no longer the same when it is a machine-injected lie. The human experience is flesh, blood, and bone -- and not meant to last.
At the rate it takes for ANY clinical trial to begin and then get approval, it still wont be for at least a 100 years. And then immortality will be solely owned by a pharmaceutical company, or the patent will be blocked or held up in court... just long enough for me to die 🙁

Besides, where's my flying car? We were supposed to have flying cars by '85?
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