Question Screen freezes then goes black ?

Nov 13, 2020
A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffffdc07ca624050
Parameter 2: fffff8034d082298
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 0
OS version: 10_0_19042
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.19042.
Locale ID: 4105

GPU RTX 3070 Zotac Twin Edge
CPU i710700
MBD: MSI 460M Mortar WiFi (Latest Firmware)
PSU: Corsair 700w

All temps under 55 degrees Celsius
G-Sync on w/ Asus vga27a Monitor @ 144 hz w/ HDR via Display port cable

Memory Test is good
GPU drivers uninstalled with DDU and re-installed via Nvidia Drives page manually.
All drivers up to date (including MBD bios)

While Idle, gaming or just using chrome this happens. PC seems on (as all lights are on the fans are still on) , however screen freezes and goes black. During this time when it is bad it stays this way even after unplugging display port cable. Restarting only thing that helps.

What could be causing this and what is the possible solution?
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make and model of the psu?
latest mobo bios?
Someone told me that changing the 3D settings in Nvidia Control Panel from 'Power saving...' to 'High Performance' should fix the issue. So far no crashes for 24hrs (knock on wood) but have to wait 2 days before I can confirm.

As far as PSU is concerned I have a 700w Corsair and bios for the MSI motherboard is on latest firmware (Oct 2020).
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