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Jul 15, 2001
Yeah he has friends. I'm trying to making him goto party's and goto look for chicks. He's always glued on the computer taking about how Intel is better then AMD.
You need to find him a chick like that one from American Pie. "One time, at Intel P4 camp, I gave Melty a hummer while he burned up a couple of AMD CPU's."


LOL.... but....

Girls want him *thinks he's a stud*. They think im the sidekick :frown: .



Oh, never mind that...I see you used the word girls. Eventually they'll turn into women and you'll evolve to be a wingman.

<font color=red>If you were to have sex with your clone would that be considered incest or masturbation?</font color=red><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by dhlucke on 03/05/02 07:06 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Dec 31, 2007

U.S. should get out of the UN now. We get nothing from it but hassles.

"There's no such thing as gravity, the Earth just sucks"


Jul 3, 2001
Indeed, I tend to agree with you now.

When the UN first came into being it had some very high guidelines and principles. Over the years, though, it has become more and more a mouthpiece of extremists and, rather than being a beneficial worldwide body, it has become little more than mouthpiece for vindictive nasty regimes.


When all else fails, throw your computer out the window!!!


Nov 30, 2001
guys this Smuck might be amdmeltdown on another computer or reg a differnt Nick.
So does it meens we will get to see anthor Mom's post...PC1066Mom saying that she's sorry for her son's beavure ??

Admit that those of you guys that where here when it appened whit "i don't remember is nick" who was in love whit our nationnal Melty...this one was soooooo damm funny!!!

The faster a computer is, the faster it will reach a crashed state :eek:


Dec 31, 2007
SPAM !!!

*note: I'm eating chile :D*

THGC, saving 1 pc user from buying a GeForce4 MX at a time.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by RcF84 on 03/06/02 11:15 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


Dec 31, 2007
"guys this Smuck might be amdmeltdown on another computer or reg a differnt Nick."

it ain't me, I have only 1 nick to terrorize you amd ppl and I'm far too busy at work these days to do even that.

"<b>AMD/VIA!</b> are <i>still</i> the weakest link, good bye!"


Jan 16, 2002
Yes, I know Belgium did make a mistake by not doing anything when Hitler was building hus powerful empire during the five or six years before WWII started. But eh ... What about the Americans? They didn't do anything either, even when the war was going on, but until they lost a ship, too. Another point: did you ever check a European map? Belgium is like ... eh ... nothing compared to Germany. We did not have the power to do anything againt Germany. Actually, nobody had in entire Europe. An embargo against them? Forget it, their economy was as closed towards the rest of Europe ... as Bush is trying to make America's to the rest of the world.

I think. Because the history classes we had a couple of years ago, weren't really that elaborate. And though I had nice scores on the tests, I am not really that good at retaining encyclopedic knowledge.

Anyway. Try to read my signature (and read previous posts in this thread to find it's origin). I just am saying what I think of America and its government. I think they are too radical, I think they are too patriotistic. But if you disagree, I can only disagree with you disagree-ing. Or whatever. Point is that a lot of Europeans (I don't really feel Belgian, except when it comes to football, I mean soccer) feel like I do. America thinks it rules the world and is way to much protecting itself from the concurrence of the rest of the world. Though you have the right to venge the death of all of those innocent people of 9/11 as it seems to be called in here, you should not make ... (no, not an elephant out of a musquito) a pletosaurus out of an elephant. It was big, I know, but it's not worth WWIII or something thelike. America is powerful, and the entire world knows that, but you aren't invincible, and you have to face that.

Ah, damn, I can't get an ending sentence to this post. I have this much of mixed feelings about this I can't get them straightened out. I know this is a very complicated thing and we are in very different situations. So, I thought ... I am just going to forget about all this, stop discussing about politics and try to discuss about electronics. Much easier. Altough ...



<i>Then again, that's just my opinion</i>


Mar 16, 2001
Hrm... I just have a few things to say. One, as a founding member of the UN and having supreme veto power on the Security Council, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Granted, our vetos can be overridden by the General Assembly, but it takes a 2/3 (or more) supermajority to do so. Plus, in recent years, many outside observers have noted increasing support from small countries to come after the US for not paying dues and being bull-headed about foreign policy. So, they all band together, get a few of the EU countries, and/or China and Russia, and suddenly, they have the votes to override US vetos. The UN as a whole isn't the problem. The problem is both the preception of the US as being a Goliath and the US's preception that the rest of the world is our plaything. Combined, you get many factions that push and tug, making democratic process corrupt. It's the Security Council's fault, with a big portion of that being the US, for the way things are right now.

Second, that article about the ICC was biased beyond belief. Granted, I know little about it, but one of the things the US has been saying for years is that there is no longer a need for carpet bombing and the general decimation of civilian buildings and population, 'cause we got smart bombs. So, war has become more of a tidy little event, complete with wrapping paper. So, with the idea in place that war can be conducted with minimal civilian casualties, the ICC drafted those vauge guidelines. Personally, I think that if the US is going to act alone in ways the affect multiple countries, maybe there is something wrong that does deserve a criminal check. US citizens, you must realize that we are not alone, we are not the only people, and we are not the only "civilized" country in the world. Acting alone will get us nowhere, make more enemies, and <i>decrease</i> our national security. You think Al Qaida is the only group out there that wants all American heads on a pole? You are sorely mistaken. In fact, the best way to solve a large problem that threatens our oil, gas, and allies is the tell Israel to quit acting like a spoiled child.

Yes, back in <i>1948</i> they had a UN charter that gave them existence. Problem was, to do that, people were displaced. Israel has a wonderful military, thanks to the US and their conscription policy. Most of the surrounding Arab countries realize this fact, which is why more are willing to settle for a pull out from West Bank and Gaza. They don't want to try to deny that a large, well-trained army exists, and that they have nothing to stop them. Everyday, you see/hear about Israeli military moving with impunity throughout the West Bank and Gaza. They could easily do the same to Lebenon, Syria, and Jordan. But, because Israel is blind to this, and is being, in many ways, a sore winner, I no longer support Israel's actions, as they are counterproductive, and just as terroristic as the Palistinian attacks. But, can the US really tell Israel this, if we too act as a lone shooter, unwilling to do more than try to salvage our immense ego?

One thing I've realized over time is this: Soldiers are trained, and death is part of the job. Therefore, to say that the death of soldiers in an armed conflict deserves revenge is stupid. They knowingly put their lives on the line, and are heros for it. But, to say that we should avenge the death of every soldier is a waste, and tarnishes their legacy. They can protect themselves, they are trained to do so... 3000 civilians in a high rise cannot, nor can the millions in Afgan, Iraq, Iran, and the others that would be harmed by indiscrimnate bombing. There is nothing left in Iraq to attack, 'cept Saddam himself. The people have the strength of a broken-backed camel. But if we attack the people, they will rise up against us, as will every other Arab and European (including Britian) country. Then what are we left with?



Well, there is an "other" section for this kind of stuff. Hope I didn't offend you, I was just trying to compare it to something you might understand better. Most of my family didn't come to the United States until long after WWII so I can relate to both.

<font color=red>If you were to have sex with your clone would that be considered incest or masturbation?</font color=red>


Dec 31, 2007
well holy sh*t. i leave you all alone for a while and i come back to find this.
*makes mother "tsk" noises and grabs dust pan*

no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end, when we all disintegrate, it'll all happen again.


Not only has Intel been stealing peoples money for a long time, they have a long history of stealing companies technology as well. I can't even remember how many times Intel has been sued for infringing on other companies technology, shoddy business tactics, etc..etc.. Intel has enough money and lobbying to avoid getting nailed most of the time.


Mar 7, 2002
You're from Belgium right? 18 days. That's all I have to say.
I am from belgium and let me say this to you:

30years before WW2 there was a thing called WW1 it killed or scared an entire generation people who went trough that dont think another war is the solution.

Belgium was neutral

netherlands lasted 5 days (2times size of belgium) and france lasted 31 days (20times size of belgium) or look at poland russia,... all lost a lot more in a lot shorter time. 18 days wasnt all that bad.


Nov 30, 2001
Belgium was neutral
Not exacly truht , in WWll Germains tried to go trought Belgium in an effort to envade France but the Belgium armies tried to embush them , it did'nt work because they where outnumber 3 to 1 but they slowed down enouth the Germains to compromise the coordination of the envasion by both Belgium frontier and Alsase Frontier. Whit a result that the envasion tooke way more time then actualy planned by the German...The good thing is because of the Belgiums poeple the Germans where so mutch delayed that they had a lot of problems caused by the cold and wetness ending in the lost of many soldiers because of sickeness.

Let's have a real chear for the Belgium that may have changed the ending of a terrible war and helped stop of a evel man !!!

The faster a computer is, the faster it will reach a crashed state :eek:


My point wasn't that Belgium fell in 18 days, my point was that it wasn't prevented.

<font color=red>If you were to have sex with your clone would that be considered incest or masturbation?</font color=red>


Mar 7, 2002
Not exacly truht , in WWll Germains tried to go trought Belgium in an effort to envade France but the Belgium armies tried to embush them
Belgium was neutral hitler even signed an agreement with belgium (and netherlands,luxembourg and a couple others) I think that was august 39' just before hilter invaded poland.

it did'nt work because they where outnumber 3 to 1 but they slowed down enouth the Germains to compromise the coordination of the envasion by both Belgium frontier and Alsase Frontier. Whit a result that the envasion tooke way more time then actualy planned by the German...
It did work the ardennes the germans used to go around the maginot line from france were tought to hard to go trough with an army and therefor only light defended and even off those defenses the strongest point Eban Emael fell almost directly after a german paratroopers attack. After that belgium was able to slow down germany only a bit considering WW1 germans did it a lot better in WW2 .


Jul 15, 2001
What needs to be emphasized is that we are supposed to LEARN from history and not make the same mistakes twice!!!
The Hitlers, Sadaams, and Bin Ladens need to be put out of business(dead) BEFORE they do such harm.
As an American, I sure wish our European and Asian friends would be on our side when it comes to taking care of Iraq.
It just seems like they are willing to do nothing and repeat the mistakes of the past.

<font color=green>"No Thoroughbred for you! Come back, 2 weeks."</font color=green>


Did everyone read that report that suggested that 4 kg of weapon grade nuclear material is unaccounted for? That might not be much, but it's still enough to make 911 look pathetically small.

I think it would be a sad day if another terrorist attack was to dwarf 911.

<font color=red>If you were to have sex with your clone would that be considered incest or masturbation?</font color=red>