I have a 3TB Seagate internal drive that was theoretically mirrored to an identical drive. The mirror apparently broke somehow and neither drive appears in Windows explorer. The previously appeared as the "V" drive, ie, behaving as a mirror should as one drive. Now there is no mirror and neither appear in windows but do appear separately in diskmgmt utility. One shows as "Unallocated" and "Not initialized" and is listed as 128GB. The other drive, other half of former mirror, appeared as "Foreign", when i reintroduced the drive, don't recall what diskmgmt called this process, for a moment the V drive did appear again, but when clicked it it basically froze. Rebooting resulted in "problem with V drive" and was doing diskcheck, which i calculated would complete in 32 years. When removed and in an external enclosure, i can feel it spinning, it does not make any appreciable noise except normal spinning. I opened it up briefly to look a the physical disk, it looks fine, now grooves, head/arm parked to the side as expected, etc. PCB has no visible burn marks, although power connections are little tarnished (not severely). Physically all looks good, spins fine, but does not appear in Windows Explorer.
Anybody have suggestions?
Anybody have suggestions?