slvr, I tried some search, and paging was fine. Please provide the search url, and your search words. I will look into it.
Umm ... the URLs for the searches are all the same, so I doubt it's much help, but:
And I just tested it agaoin and it's still most definately broken.
For example, I just did a search in the Hardware section for the word Prescott. It says it found 999 matches, and gives me a crap load of page numbers (34 to be exact).
But if I click on the link to "Goto page" 2, I get "No topics met your serach criteria."
Now with 999 matches, and only 30 hits per page, there should
definately be at least a page 2.
Plus 999 seems like a suspect number as well, though that may just be a coincidence.
And though obvious through the pics, I'm using Firefox, if that even has a chance of affecting this somehow. (Which I wouldn't imagine it does, since this seems more like a server thing than a client thing to me.)
So, umm, enjoy? :lol: I hope that this can be resolved as it makes searching pretty useless. And if I'm the only one seeing this, I might break down and cry.

(Just kidding.)