Sempron 64 2800+


Aug 18, 2005
Hey, all. I just ordered my system upgrade, last night. Here's what I got:

<A HREF="" target="_new">Sempron 64 2800+ retail box</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">Epox EP-8KDA3J</A>
TOTAL: $144.89 shipped

Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any benchmarks on the Sempron 64 2800+. Can anyone link me up?

Also, I spent the extra $26 for an NF3-250 board so that I could overclock. Does anyone have a first- or second-hand account of overclocking the 2800+? How far can I expect to go on retail cooling?

Finally, I'm selling off my old Athlon XP 2400+ (with heatsink/fan) <A HREF="" target="_new">here</A>, and 512 MB PC2100 DDRSDRAM (2.5-3-3-6) <A HREF="" target="_new">here</A>.

I hope the goodies arrive soon!

Here's exactly how I'm migrating:
old system: AXP 2400+, 1 GB DDR266
new system: S64 2800+, 512 MB DDR400

If you're wondering why I'm dropping 512 MB RAM, it's because I have one DIMM of PC2100 and another of PC3200. I'll be selling the PC2100 stuff.

Wish me luck with the overclock!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by hurtstotalktoyou on 08/18/05 10:40 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I can get mine to run stable at 2500-same board and cpu. Just to warn you, That board does not work well with maxtor serial ata drives in any of the 4 positions.

I can run stable at the 2500, but I had to go down to 2100 to get stable boots. I would also replace the chipset heatsink with a fan version. I picked up a copper fan for $10 at frys. That helped a little.
512 should be fine on the ram, if you add another go with the 1st and 3rd slot for the ram.Let me know if you can get a stable boot at 2400/2500-mine would always cycle through the bios alot before booting up.
Make sure you have a good psu, and I would spend 40 on a good cpu fan.