I don't know all the contingencies regarding why they get those tax breaks, it sounds good, like not giving Israel money, many people hate the Israelis, have heard nothing but bad about them etc.
Im after the truth, the whys and why nots, weigh the situations, make determined results off of facts.
I understand why the prez gave monies to those energy outfits, which includes some cronyism, but there has to be insight and not go in blindly, which in this case, lending those companies gave us nothing, only cost us money, and made those cronies even richer.
States go after businesses as well with tax breaks all the time, except maybe California, where the liberalism has reached rare form.
The purpose for those tax breaks are to get people hired, put to work in those states, not what the prez had in mind here.
Then, it comes down to actually knowing if you have a potential winner here, and so far, the prez doesn't have a clue.
I learned an interesting bit of info from Mark Cuban, who does the show called sharktank.
Its a show where several billionaires listen to potential entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas or already running businesses looking to expand.
Cuban said he was over 70% on the money, yes 70%
Look at the BO admins attempts, its woeful comparatively, so going after oil companies, of which I know not the reasons for those tax breaks, yet knowing the score with the current admins ineptness, their perpetual inability to understand business in general, the cronyism shown etc etc, its something that should stop.
People didn't like the banks being lent to either, but at least there the people retained their monies, and yes screw the bankers, but save the folks, so it was a wash.
All the monies that were to be spent on infrastructure were never spent, not yet even today, as last Id heard only one third ever made it that far, and a lot of it was diverted to protect the unions, tho this pictures get purposely muddied by both sides here, but the one thing we do know is, that infrastructure never got what it was sold on, and still needs it.
This is how our government spends our money, they don't deserve to have their hands on it.
To ask for more is folly until this too stops, but its only complained about.
One thing the DHHS has suggested is a wise move, for which Ive given the prez some credit for, yet he spiked the football for doing it, yet isn't really his doing, is, the DHHS is asking the states, no not the feds, the states to create a fraud outfir regarding medicare etc.
Its totally unfunded by the feds and has to be a state run, supported thing.
Now, my only worry is this, as in my state, its up for vote, and I hope it passes, and here many dems, the local kind anyways, are much more fiscally conservative than what youll find most other places, and they too support this, as of course the republicans do, so hopefully itll pass, but, if it does, and other states take this on as well, as soon as the savings show such actions more than pay for themselves, is that after success the feds will then come in and mandate all states to do so, and we will see a loss in efficiency as well as higher costs to do the same thing with less results, as the federal government is greedy.
The closing of the WH is but one example of what out government thinks of us when we know theres plenty of room to hide much of the lowering of spending, which really isn't a lowering, just a less higher amount of spending to begin with