As Obama does his best to make Americans feel the pain of sequestration by closing the White House to tours for school children, pulling the funding for the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds, TSA cuts causing longer lines at airports, cutting the hours for Border Patrol, etc...we find a report from the GAO (Government Accountability Office) that details federal programs that are duplicated, overlapping, and fragmented (where more than on program/agency is providing some of the same services). The report details how these programs and agencies are wasting Millions and Billions of dollars individually. In total, these programs represent 2.1 Trillion dollars of tax dollars wasted by the federal government.
You can read the report here;
2013 Annual Report: Actions Needed to Reduce Fragmentation, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve Other Financial Benefits
Ironically, it was Obama who stumped and campaigned to "shed the spending we don't need."
"In these challenging times, when we are facing both rising deficits and a sinking economy, budget reform is not an option. It is an imperative. We cannot sustain a system that bleeds billions of taxpayer dollars on programs that have outlived their usefulness, or exist solely because of the power of a politicians, lobbyists, or interest groups. We simply cannot afford it. This isn't about big government or small government. It’s about building a smarter government that focuses on what works. That is why I will ask my new team to think anew and act anew to meet our new challenges.... We will go through our federal budget – page by page, line by line – eliminating those programs we don’t need, and insisting that those we do operate in a sensible cost-effective way."
And, here we are after in the 5th year of his Administration and the GAO has released two reports (March 2011 and February 2013) that recommends over 300 actions the Executive Branch can take to do exactly what Obama said he would do. Sadly, the Liar-in-Chief has utterly failed to move on any of the 300 recommendations. The best Obama has done was to appoint another czar, Peter Orszag, as Director of the Office of Management and Budget to take on this task; and there it has died.
Meanwhile, this is the same Obama and Administration who has seen the number of people of food stamps rise to 50 Million people, an average 1.3% GPD growth, wasted billions on a false green initiatives, wasted billions in failed stimulus, systematically took control over industry, shows complete disregard for due process, and has maintained record high unemployment.
Also, this is the same Obama who, last night 4/9/2013, hosted a tax payer funded "Memphis Soul" music party complete with Justin Timberlake, Queen Latifah, Cindy Lauper, and many others to provide the President, his family, and a select group of guests with an evening of entertainment and regalia.
I do not begrudge the President a good time, vacation, and the perks inherent to America's highest elected office. But, when such perks are done at tax payer expense and in such contrast to the spending reduction the average American has had to make, I can find no excuse that Obama or his sympathizers can use to justify such a garish display of elitism and wasted money.
Let them eat cake!