Question Setup and questions regarding GSYNC with Elgato HD60 X Capture Card ?


Feb 22, 2017
My setup is an HD60 X plugged into my gaming PC's GPU (4070). I know this capture card is now GSYNC compatible, so I followed the guide on Elgato's website (link bellow). It hasn't been a flawless experience unfortunately. I sometimes have to reboot, plug and unplug for things to randomly work as intended (headaches). At time GSYNC will only work in Fullscreen Borderless or Windowed Fullscreen but not as Fullscreen Exclusive(why? I have no clue).

My original goal was to use my main monitor at its max Hz with GSYNC on via DP from the gaming pc's gpu to the main monitor while using the capture card to stream at 60fps via HDMI. I've noticed a lot of streamers have their FPS uncapped so it got me thinking. Do they not use GSYNC because it causes issues with capture cards in general? And since I'm not using pass-through, shouldn't I be able to use just about any capture card? Hopefully this isn't too confusing and someone is able to clarify all of this. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Note: I used Blurbusters' GSYNC 101 guide to set up GSYNC on my PC.

Elgato's HD60X GSYNC guide:

Blurbusters' GSYNC 101 guide:
It's a bit of a smidge confusing . . . to me that is . . . cuz I recently also attempted this whole BlurBuster Method and got no results whatsoever forth . . . maybe it's cuz I have a configuration that's too god for this method to come . . . Ever try streaming 120 or even 144? See and find out lol . . . food for thought..................................