Oct 1, 2020
Hi, so I recently updated my desktops components, not just for the fact that it's due for upgrade, but because I believed that it would solve my problem of game crashing, really irritating game crashing. Before I tell you my problem, here are my specs

Windows 10 Pro (to be activated soon)
Intel I5 6500 @3.2Ghz (runs at 3.3-3.6 due to intel turbo boost)
Zotac GTX 1050 ti
Gigabyte H110M-H-CF
16gb 2133 Mhz HyperX Fury (the ram module is 2666 mhz, but the mobo and processor limits it at 2133)
512 GB SSD
Silverstone Strider Essentials PSU

The upgrades were the ram, ssd, and the psu. As for the underlying problem, I experience game crashes in CSGO, Dota 2, and Skyrim. What's frustrating is that it crashes during crucial times and that's just a bummer, man. So here's how it happens:

For CSGO, it either happens early or it happens late. The screen just freezes at a particular frame, no mouse, but the audio and game is still playing (because sound effects still push through when i walk or click the mouse to shoot). I then need to close the program via Task Manager. If ever I relaunch it, the same crash just happens again, either earlier or a little bit later. Got banned from competitive because I had abandoned a lot of games due to this crash. Sometimes a black screen also follows if I don't kill the program and keep using alt+tab.

For Dota 2 (the most stressful of all), I run the game with custom video settings, everything turned on except anti-aliasing and v-sync, then the texture, shadow, and everything else on medium. I also tried putting an FPS limit of 100.
So what happens is that the game freezes at a random point, either at the start or when a game-deciding fight starts (which has lost me several ranked games). Unlike CSGO, the music continues, but the game does not continue in the background. A faint, ambient sound is instead played (similar to the main menu music of the game, just a little bit more lowkey).

For Skyrim, the game initially says that my hardware isn't detected, so settings are automatically on low. Then sometime after playing, the screen freezes, no audio and no background progress. I either have to kill the program in Task Manager or it leads me to a black screen

I don't overclock, and I don't do heavy video editing on this pc too. This problem holds me back and stresses me a lot since I plan to play The Witcher 3 on this PC. My graphics driver is updated, I do clean installs by uninstalling it first through device manager, and then installing a fresh one. If anyone knows a fix, I would love to hear it. More so, the reason as to why this happens. Thank you very much, and I hope you're good!

I downloaded The Witcher 3, and it crashed too. So I went and searched for a fix. Suddenly, the idea of a bios update hit me because, idk just hit me randomly. After doing the bios update to the latest version, the game now works smooth af (except for the one time it crashed because I alt-tabbed)
Posted this here because maybe it can help you guys out
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If your display is freezing completely, sounds like a GPU problem. If it's just the game, it could be any number of things, from RAM to CPU to PSU.
This is possible, since my 1050 ti is about 4 years old already, but the problem is i haven't really used it for heavy gaming or video editing, because I was busy with school and only started playing here 2 years ago. It didn't happen at first, but the issue just randomly came up and became frequent later on. Anyway, thanks for the insight, I am looking to upgrade the GPU, but I just don't feel like I've had enough mileage on it yet
it seems PSU (power supply) problem or check your CPU Temperature. If it's high then there will be 2 things One is thermal paste or CPU is not properly attached with the motherboard.
it seems PSU (power supply) problem or check your CPU Temperature. If it's high then there will be 2 things One is thermal paste or CPU is not properly attached with the motherboard.
I think it's unlikely bro, even after I replaced the PSU, it still occurs and every time i clean my pc, i also reapply new thermal paste to the cpu. Although i might try buying higher quality paste from maybe thermal grizzly