
Archived from groups: comp.dcom.vpn (More info?)

For the last week, I have been setting up SBS 2003 for our
organization. One of the main reason we decided to set up a network
like this is to give our folks at other locations access through a VPN
connection. I was under the impression that we have a dynamic IP from
our ISP, but after trying to get the VPN set up, I now discover that
we have a shared IP.

After discovering that, I have found out that our ISP can give us a
public/static IP, but they charge $200 per month for that service!
That is an expense that I had not expected. And we do not have any
other ISPs in our area who do DSL.

Is that any way around that problem? .


Archived from groups: comp.dcom.vpn (More info?)

I've use IpMailer, it checks your wan ip address and if it changes you
can setup who get's emailed and what the new ip address is. Might work
for you..

drw170@yahoo.com (DRW) wrote:

>For the last week, I have been setting up SBS 2003 for our
>organization. One of the main reason we decided to set up a network
>like this is to give our folks at other locations access through a VPN
>connection. I was under the impression that we have a dynamic IP from
>our ISP, but after trying to get the VPN set up, I now discover that
>we have a shared IP.
>After discovering that, I have found out that our ISP can give us a
>public/static IP, but they charge $200 per month for that service!
>That is an expense that I had not expected. And we do not have any
>other ISPs in our area who do DSL.
>Is that any way around that problem? .


Jul 1, 2003
Archived from groups: comp.dcom.vpn (More info?)

My opinion:
DynDNS is the answer. Lets connect over DNS-name
which is stored in a dynamic DNS service.

"DRW" <drw170@yahoo.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:1c1459d4.0408190727.5b37489c@posting.google.com...
For the last week, I have been setting up SBS 2003 for our
organization. One of the main reason we decided to set up a network
like this is to give our folks at other locations access through a VPN
connection. I was under the impression that we have a dynamic IP from
our ISP, but after trying to get the VPN set up, I now discover that
we have a shared IP.

After discovering that, I have found out that our ISP can give us a
public/static IP, but they charge $200 per month for that service!
That is an expense that I had not expected. And we do not have any
other ISPs in our area who do DSL.

Is that any way around that problem? .