Should I buy the Mass Effect Trilogy?


Jan 4, 2012
Gamefly is having a sale right now, $25 for the trilogy. I've heard a few good things about the series but not much. I enjoy RPGs as well as shooters so it seems pretty cool... any advice?
Definitely, just stick with it there is a bit of a learning curve at first, it's amazing once you get it down. I enjoyed the series so much so I even bought 3 when it first came out, and there's very few games I'm willing to spend the $60 for. $25 for the 3 is a steal.


Feb 28, 2013
Absolutely! You go get it! As Mr5oh said, you gotta stick with it. Personally I love all 3 of them but it's true that the first one is a little bit slower since it's also a bit older. Great story, great action, great RPG (although not much), it's soo reaking awesome

Deleted member 217926

Amazing games. One of the best backstories of any game series ever. They are worth the full retail price. $25 for all 3 is a steal. All the DLC will add to that total but in my opinion the DLC is also very good. I can't think of one I regretted buying.

Look for Mass Effect to be around 22 hours, Mass Effect 2 to be 33 hours and Mass Effect 3 around 30 hours if you play through all the quests.

I only got the games when Mass Effect 3 was released and played them straight through 3 times in a row. So obviously I found the replay value to be high :D

Thinking about playing them again since I have not played either of the latest ME3 DLCs, Omega and The Citadel.


May 23, 2012
Pure opinion, but here's mine FWIW..

ME1 was strongly RPG based, great story and fairly solid RPG but not anywhere near traditional RPG's.
(I've played through ME1 at least 4 times)

ME2 was less much less RPG based, more action/story driven.
(I played through ME2 at least twice)

ME3 was not so much of a game as it was more of a movie/story. Even your decisions through the game had very little/no impact on the end-game.
(I played ME3 once, and don't realistically see myself ever playing it again)

[edit: So I guess it depends on what you expect out of a 'game'.]


Dec 19, 2008
ME1 was the best of them for me. ME2 dumbed it down quite a bit and ME3 went even further in that regard. It's an awesome story, though. Definitely a steal for $25.

It's about 200 hours of immersive gaming. At 8 hours per dollar, that's tough to beat. Compare that against a lot of games that have 8 hour campaigns and run you $60


Feb 28, 2013
What JustLurking says is true. ME1 was the most RPG based (sort of), but the thing is once you are hooked up you want to finish the story. I think the same, ME 3 was more of a movie than a game but still god damn worth it.


May 23, 2012
It's hard to say. I agree that I wanted to see the conclusion, I LOVED the story more than any game in recent history.

BUT, and this is a really big BUT for me as a gamer, to have little/none of my 'game play' decisions even matter at the end was of ME3 bigger than a letdown; it was flat out outrageous in my mind.

Keep in mind this comes from a gamer, not someone interested in playing 'interactive movies where your choices have no effect', which is exactly how I'd describe part 3.

But it's true, ME3 does in fact put an ending to the story, FWIW.


Dec 2, 2012
One of my absolute favorite series of all time, although the third caught some flak for the ending, don't let that deter you, the third is as intense a game as you are likely to play just because of how invested in the characters they get you. Don't hesitate, just buy them, and be prepared to get sucked in :)

Deleted member 217926

Mass Effect 3 is Origin no matter what. I have 1 and 2 on Steam though. I like Steam better overall but I have never had any problems with Origin.


Dec 19, 2008
Origin is really bad and slow and sketchy, but there are a few games you can't get through Steam. I didn't have too many issues with it while playing ME3, though. I have ME2 through Steam and ME1 from an old EA download.
If with DLCs its awsome (even thou i didnt finish Mass Effect 3 since it was so boring for me).
Mass Effect 3 was in my opinion a crappy game, but even if it would be just the first 2 games, it would be worth it.
With Mass effect 3 thou, if someone ever coems out with a mod to improve the Ending, it could be a decent enought game.


Feb 28, 2013

Although I don't agree with ME 3 being a crappy game (ending was bad, but with the DLC it got better), once you finish ME2 you just wanna finish the story. That's what happened to me at least.
This series is a favorite among many. Each game changed the gameplay a little bit, but overall the story and characters are what really sucks you into the game. The back story to this entire series is amazing and make sure to read and listen to the CODEX items if you really want to get the true details of each planet, race, event, etc that goes on in the game. I am usually an action and FPS gamer, but this really sucked me in. Do yourself a favor and don't read into the ending of ME3, let the story play out so you are surprised with each event. Who lives from the first ME plays through to ME3 and there are certain characters that are either there or not depending on your game save from ME1 and ME2. I played the first 2 through STEAM and ME3 on Origin and my game did not carry through, so I was a bit bummed. Not a deal breaker, but would have been cool. However, as mentioned above, who lives and who dies and how you decide to play the game has no impact on the ending of ME3 and the final choices you have.

Prepare to spend a lot of time on this because I found time just melting away at night. I always wanted to find out what happens next. Also, make sure to do the side missions, they add to the game and help build your credits and abilities. You can also play the game as Paragon or Renegade, which reminds me of how the PS3 game Infamous is. I of course steered my actions and conversations in the Paragon direction.

All I have to say is have fun.


Feb 28, 2013

This guys has it right. Just play the games and let the story flow. I love science fiction games and this one is just awesome. Yes the ending is not that good, but I don't regret a thing.


Dec 19, 2008
I still haven't finished 3 because I heard the ending is underwhelming. They released some DLC to fix it, but I just haven't gotten back on it. I have no idea what happens - I was lucky to just hear it was disappointing without getting spoiled.

The DLC helps better explain the ending, it doesn't change it. You want to finish ME3 it answers questions that you've probably had the entire series. I didn't find it underwhelming, it is just a little over some peoples heads as some of the answers are not what you want or expect. It's also not a concept I've seen in any other game or movie. The last battle is probably the most action you'll see in any mission so far, then you get to the very end and you have a choice. You may find yourself replaying the very last save point to see where each choice takes you. I think some people did not like the ending because many people get very close to the characters you've befriended during the series and the choices don't give you a 100% satisfying conclusion.

Just finish the dang thing.

Deleted member 217926

So you spend almost 100 hours playing a game series with the most amazing story line anywhere and then don't finish because you "heard" the ending was underwhelming? Try maybe thinking for yourself sometimes. It will get you far in life.


Feb 28, 2013

Thumbs up for this reply.


Dec 19, 2008

I didn't stop playing, I just put off finishing it until they "fixed" it (which was like a week away when I was approaching the end). That was thinking for myself. I'm pretty much at the end of the game. Just got distracted and just kind of forgot that I didn't finish it yet.
Steam is more polished than Origin. Origin is just a fancy version of the old EA Download Manager. Steam is more refined. It is also very friendly for people who have an SSD. It allows for backing up installed games to another drive in sized files. I find this handy to remove games I don't intend to play for a while, but don't want to download again. If Origin adds this function it would make my MUCH HAPPY. But as mentioned above, I don't have any other gripes with Origin. They need more sales, but have done better with this as of lately. I've bought a few games recently because of sales on Origin. Just let me easily back up game files.