[SOLVED] Should I just replace my CPU, or should I replace my CPU, MoBo, and RAM?

Mar 10, 2019
Hi everyone,
I am currently running an i5-4690k with 16gb of ddr3 on a ROG Gene Vii with a 1070ti. I wanted to start streaming games to twitch using OBS and I see I drop a decent amount of frames even when outputting 720p footage. My question is should I just replace my CPU with an i7-4790k or would it be more worth to replace all 3 components. What's the best bang for my buck?

Thank you!
If you can wait, I'd recommend waiting for Ryzen 3rd gen(Way better IPC, clocks, and more cores at the same price), although if you want it now Ryzen 5 2600/2700 is your best bet.