Should I upgrade to 6.0Mbps?

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What's sad is that we have the technology. They have a diesel race car that can go for 300 miles on a gallon of gas...saw a car show on tv the other night. They have electric cars that can beat out a Lamborghini and Porche Carerra GT. 2.5 seconds from 0-60 and goes like 200mph or something. I think we'll see some startup companies eventually...but probably not here. If it IS here, it could be from GM or Ford. I have a feeling they're holding hands with the politcal powers that be...
But, you see, the equivalent to "overclocking" a car is called "flooring it" which wastes your gas and destroys your engine. There are, ocasionally, gems such as the Porche 924S. The Porche 924 was a junk and was discontinued. The 924S was porche's attempt to bring a lower-end car back into their lineup. It used the body from the 924 which was perfectly fine but a little on the ugly side, and the same engine as their current top-of-the-line model. The 924 body weighed less and was more aerodynamic than the top of the line model and was, hence, faster and more fuel effecient. The problem is that this doesn't happen very often and cars come as complete packages and replacement parts rarely ever drop in.

In my dream world you would go to a car dealership, they would have a few cars to test drive, and then you would pick your color, seats, transmission, engine, power options, wheels etc and come and pick it up the next day. More realisticlly they bodies would already be painted with a drive train installed and that might affect your choices, but but a dealership could pop in an engine w/ transmission, seats, and change the wheels in a matter of hours if they were set up to do it. Electric options would either have to be more modular and more expensive, or tbe pre-installed on the body and affect your choice.

Currently there is no such thing as buying a car body. It comes with everything, it comes with things you may not want (In the case of the yarris I absolutely *had* to buy power windows and a bunch of other crap to get ABS, and I didn't want power windows, so I didn't buy one at all), it doesn't necessarily come in the color you want unless you want to hop through extra hoops (dealers frequently package expensive options with popular colors to get people to pay more to get the color they want, it's BS) and if you want to be at all picky you're expected to spent 2x as much or more to get what you want instead of just changing the few minor things you wanted. I could understand this for used car shopping. The car has what it has, it's had it for years. But for new cars? Absolutely ridiculus. There's a factory somewhere churning these things out, in batches, with different configurations. Churn out a batch of the configuration I want and send me one, sell the rest of them the way you ussually do to undiscerning buyers. It seems like so little to ask, but I contacted Toyota of America *directly* and they basically said "too bad, so sad". All I wanted was anti-lock breaks (the ABS had an MSRP of $300, I was expected to buy a $3000 option package to get them, the base model was $12000. Calling a dealership about a $12000 car and being emmediately asked if I wanted to buy a $24000 car instead is assanine and it happened repeatedly).

And this is why we must guard our geek haven and try to educate our peers to make intelligent PC buying decisions, or this will hapen to us next. Comparably we are in a eutopia where we can buy any part, from any vendor, made my any manufacturer, put it all together and it works without modding anything. Seriously, right now all you have to do is pair up the CPU and Mobo and everything else is completely interchangable. This is not even remotely true with cars. Even for things like headlights and seats which offer ZERO differences in functionality between one car and the next. Why are car manufacturers redesigning the damned seats and headlights for every line of cars? Because the vast majority of consumers don't make informed decisions when buying cars and don't demand quality. They don't want a new car that is "better" because they don't even know what would make it better. Next time someone tells you that they bought a new car ask them what the drag co-effecient is. Ask what the torque-to-weight ratio is. They won't have the slightest clue and they are the two biggest factors in how well the car will perform, WAY more important than HP (they will probably know that). And engine size doesn't matter at all (well, if anything smaller is better as it improves your torque-to-weight) yet it's often plastered on the outside of the car "V6 3.2L". Even real-world benchmarks like 0-60, 1/4mile, and gas mileage are largely ignored and rarely ever considered together.

Oh, about the Tesla Roadster: yeah, it's only a two seater. But it's hella fast and costs about 1cent per mile to drive it. You could convoy 4 of them for less than what it would cost to drive a typical sedan. But not only can I not afford one, they are sold out xD Tesla said they plan on coming out with some kind of family car with a smaller price tag but they wanted to make a sportscar first to raise money and get their engineers and the press excited. I'm not really in the market for a "family" car myself, so I'll probably have to pass on that one too.
Wow I just tried that site and my connection is faster than I thought. I have a cable modem from suddenlink (our local cable provider in college station texas) and this is what I got

Not bad for 45 bucks a month except for the fairly high latency. 😀
I only have one thing to say and that is purely electric cars will never catch on for one glaring reason, it takes hours to recharge. It is all fine and good to get the distance per charge up, and thats great for small towns or even big cities where you dont have to drive really far but what if you want to go on a vacation or say see a concert that is farther away than a single charge will take you. Well you just have to park and wait 4 or 5 or 8 hours to recharge. That is the reason why Hybrids became so popular its an electric car (no not purely electric) that you can "recharge" in 10 minutes. Hybrid cars will be more and more popular regardless of what the gas price is, as long as you make a car that people want to buy. Looks are important to people when it comes to cars that is why it took the companies to start converting existing cars that sold well to hybrids for them to get popular. There was the Honda Insight one of the early Hybrid cars and it was a bad seller, why because most people didnt like the way it looked.

We as Americans always catch alot of flack from Europe and Asia because we drive cars that are to big or drive to much. I am sorry but several of our states are larger and 3 or 4 European countries. Hell I live in texas and starting from the center of the state you can drive in any direction for 6 or 7 hours at 70 miles per hour and still be in the SAME state. And there is one other thing that is pretty hypocritical of those that are disgusted at our big cars most erupoean cars on the road right now wont even pass an american emissions test. DO we use alot of gas in our cars yes but those who care about fuel efficiency have plenty of choices to lower emissions. There is not better way to spur innovation that with the free market, if you develop a car that gets 100mpg and people want to buy it for what your willing to sell it for you we be sucessfull you sell enough of them and you can expand and the most likely get bought out buy a major car company and have it mass produced. You cant force the masses to buy a hybrid or an electric car if they dont want to.
A good point but to put it in perspective it does take time to fill your gas tank up with gas too. There is a point at which recharing would be fast enough per unit of range that this would no longer be an issue that would significantly disuade people and they would take an all-electric for environmental, financial, and reliability reasons over a gas car. Say maybe 300miles of range per hour of charging? With all the things necessary to maintain gas engines how long do you spend "making your car go" (ie "charging it)? With an electric car there are no spark plugs, no engine oil, no fuel filters, no fuel lines, etc. Even if you aren't doing any engine maintnence at all on your car (and good luck with that) you're still looking at about 3 minutes every 200 miles if you're getting 20mpg just to put gas in the tank. If you to factor in oil changes and engine tuneups that number goes up a good bit. And modern electric cars can recharge ~250mile range in ~3.5hours, not 5 hours 😉

Also a gas engine to recharge your batteries could be an optional component, you could just rent one if you even needed one. Most people don't drive more than 30miles a day on average (that includes their road trips) so it's really not that big of a deal. But the real answer is fuel cell technology to provide electricy. A reversable electrolizer with some batteries and good effeciency (I think the level of effeciency needed has already been attained in prototypes) and the car would literally run on water. Driving it would charge it as long as you kept water in the tank.

The real question is if these things work, why aren't they available to consumers? If I could afford a Tesla roadster I would buy one right now. That would be an awesome car. Oh, boohoo, I could only drive 200miles on a charge and may as well park overnight to recharge off a standard 20amp circuit. So about 10 days a year I would have to figure out how to work around that. It would cost me almost nothing to drive it and it's faster than any other car on the road under $300k and it looks freaking sweet.

Oh, and unlike Ibriham's internet access, you wouldn't need a speed test application to tell that it was faster than the average sedan when you did 0-60 in under 4 seconds xD
guess ill jump in.. since everyone else is.. hehe

Here in my room at school.

At this juncture I believe the correct response is "bite me" 😛

Your school is quite foolish to give you so much unbridled access... we must now convince you to set up servers to aid us in our search of streaming pornucopic conciousness.
A ping test is generally a hardware-level purely network latency test (the NIC on the server at the other end should respond to the ping in hardware).

This is the only thing I disagree with. A ping requires an IP stack be loaded and NICs know nothing about IP addresses; they only understand MAC addresses. Granted, an ICMP packet is nothing near being loaded like a TCP or UDP packet, but it still goes into the software (i.e. the IP stack) to work.
The difference is that a normal person would rather spend 5 or 10 minutes once or twice a week depending on how much you drive than spend an hour or two once a week depending on how much you drive. Granted you could theoritcally fuel up at work or while shopping but that is going to mean a huge infrastructure just to pull off. Hybrids are the way to go until hydrogen becomes viable. It just feels to difficult if you will to have to spend an hour or 2, in the best case scernario, to recharge in those "emergency situations" if you know you are low on gas you need to find a gas station which for the most part is easy to recharge oyu have to find somewhere with a plug you can use of course that strictly involves infrastructure. but with a hybrid you can gas up anywhere and improve mileage with more efficient motors and gas engines.

Either way hydrogen is the future unless someone can come up with ULTRA ULTRA efficient solar panels and then we will just hope the sun is always shining.
guess ill jump in.. since everyone else is.. hehe

Here in my room at school.

You know what? You and your precious education can eat my procrastinating attitude while I do absolutely nothing while watching you eat. WTF, I don't care if that didn't make any sense. I'm just pissed!

Here is one thing about electric cars, however, that needs to be looked at:

They're using electricity! Is getting oil from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to make into gasoline cheaper than using the same oil to make electricity to power an electric car?

Never would i do a thing like that!

@ibrahim : ppl watching me eat makes me uncomfortable! 😛

also, it wasnt me talking about the cars, dunno where that originated from lol.
Never would i do a thing like that!

@ibrahim : ppl watching me eat makes me uncomfortable! 😛

also, it wasnt me talking about the cars, dunno where that originated from lol.

Well, you're just going to have to be uncomfortable. Hey, life isn't fair, 😉

lol, I was just replying, not to you.

hmm...A day without taco shells is like a day without the sun, so I guess you will just have to go to your local meijers/walmart/india/kmart/india/target/india/costco 8O/any other store you have to make the sun come up again, that's why it's so dark outside here in Michigan at 10pm

anyways, this thread's gotta eventually stop, I think your post count went up at least a few hundred from this

Yeah, this'll be my last post on this thread.. I'm going to stop checking those damn emails from THG, lol!

Hundreds? I was thinking thousands, lol.

As I said in the other post, they have diesel cars that can get 300miles on a gallon...

Electricity can be made several ways. Ideally, we need a good monorail system. It'd be up off the ground, out of the way, with runners out ahead of the trains to check the track for obstacles and breaks... At the very LEAST we need it (like the bullet train) for long distance travel from coast to coast. Airplanes use far too much fuel, not to mention you're miles off the ground and are subject to weather. A monorail can't really be stopped by too much. 15 feet off the ground, with only a thin rail that can't be blocked by snow... The only thing to stop it would be tornados or earthquakes or floods. Sturdy enough, and tornados can't do much damage, high enough, floods can't reach it. And well, a solid earthquake would stop a plane from landing as well. This monorail I'm thinking of...what if the train was SUSPENDED from a rail and computerized? Hmm. A very low voltage current could be used to test the rails as well, like the do for trains...hell, one could even use the system to pipe water lines or electricity around....
As I said in the other post, they have diesel cars that can get 300miles on a gallon...

Electricity can be made several ways. Ideally, we need a good monorail system. It'd be up off the ground, out of the way, with runners out ahead of the trains to check the track for obstacles and breaks... At the very LEAST we need it (like the bullet train) for long distance travel from coast to coast. Airplanes use far too much fuel, not to mention you're miles off the ground and are subject to weather. A monorail can't really be stopped by too much. 15 feet off the ground, with only a thin rail that can't be blocked by snow... The only thing to stop it would be tornados or earthquakes or floods. Sturdy enough, and tornados can't do much damage, high enough, floods can't reach it. And well, a solid earthquake would stop a plane from landing as well. This monorail I'm thinking of...what if the train was SUSPENDED from a rail and computerized? Hmm. A very low voltage current could be used to test the rails as well, like the do for trains...hell, one could even use the system to pipe water lines or electricity around....

Hmm...Not a bad idea. Yeah, I read somewhere that steel on steel is more efficient than rubber on cement.

It sounds really efficient...Are you talking about having it float off the ground or have the actual locomotive 'suspended' a few feet from the ground by the electrical power things?

havent read the last 8 pages, but ure dead on. I wont buy ANY n equipment until there is a definitive IEEE standard released, and all n equipment works at n speed with all other n equipment. Everything thats n out theres a waste of money IMHO, never a better time to get some basic g equipment.

That being said, i cant wait for an n standard. File transfers are soooooo freaking slow over my n network with a DGL-4100 router (and a bland Dell g NIC) that its embarrassing, and ive got a medium size house. sure dl transfers are ok, but i cant play local video of any size over the network or anything.
ijadoon, you know those cable cars you ride on at the amusement park? They use a little wheel and are suspended from a cable. Kind of like that I guess maybe. Or just a monorail. Whatever plan engineers deem safest, most efficient, etc. It just needs to be done. Our country spends BILLIONS a year on highways that last a few years at the most, and we as individuals spend money on plane tickets, gasoline, tires, oil changes, and car parts (labor?). Everytime you start your car it's hard on it. Everytime you let it sit, it's hard on it. Cars are just about the most inefficient money wasting thing ever invented. And hello...NETWORK CONGESTION. Can't drive 2 miles without it taking 10 minutes. Cross country? Sure, let's just stop at 3 hotels, spend 12 hrs a day for 3 days in the car, and finally end up where we need to be. OR spend $400 on a plane ticket. Why do we need to waste all that gas getting off the ground, why go farther (the closer you are to the ground the less distance you have to travel), and why do we need to put our lives in the hands of a couple of tired pilots? We have the technology to build safer, faster travel...and just need the LEADERSHIP to put it in place (the government who we pay 30-40% of our freaking money to who can't even offer us health care and prefers to waste it on fights with countries who would fight amongst themselves with fists instead of guns WE provide them, which they turn on us instead). If you can't tell, I'm a little discontented with the way this country is run, moreover how things aren't ORGANIZED to be efficient and work to save us time and money. In all honesty, there's no reason that everyone in the world can't be responsible for the kids they birth, have clean water, and live like freaking kings. It's stupidity and bad choices, a failure to learn from history that drives us to repeat all the mistakes of our fathers and mothers. We are human, and we judge ourselves harshly as if we're not animals. We're just so damn conflicted all the time. If only we could all just say "enough!"

That's my rant for the weekend. 🙂

Well, maybe not quite. Why are we flying when the WHEEL is more efficient and just as fast? I understand flying if we're crossing oceans. But land? Come on, we had the Oregon trail, then railroads, and then highways...and now we just guzzle gas in a 757. Why? Probably because flying was COOL. Uh huh. Just get me from one coast to the other quickly, safely and cheaply. I don't care how cool it is.
I agree completely. Now we just need a tiny push for everyone to scream out "enough".

To play devil's advocate, some people prefer planes to cars on land because of speed. I can sure get to California by a plane quicker than my car.

I am using a 5Mb connection at work and had a 10Mb connection at home. My home service averaged anywhere from 350-700 KBps for downloads, 300-500 at work on the same cable provider.

My cable company has just lauched a 25Mb connection for home for $99 CAN a month. May have to switch...

I have an 802.11n draft Linksys router and card, and they destroy my G network. Problem is the n mode put noise on the cordless phones.