Question Should i upgrade ?


Apr 23, 2016
MY Current Config
CPU:FX -6300
GPU : MSI 1060 3GB
RAM: HYPERX 1066 (4GB*2)

I could easily play Rainbow six siege with this config but now the game is lagging for short bursts and it's annoying . I tried monitoring during gaming with river tuner and my cpu usage is at 100% most of the times .
I have a i5 8400F at a price of 12000 Indian rupees in a local store . Is the upgrade worth it .
You can't use that CPU with your current hardware. First of all, that is an Intel CPU and you currently have an OLDER AMD platform. Even a newer Ryzen AMD CPU won't work in that system. The only thing you can upgrade to on that platform that might help at ALL, would be an 8 core FX CPU, and that would seriously just be a waste of money better spent towards something much newer, unless you could get one for REALLY cheap, but the performance difference would still be minimal.

If you want to upgrade to an i5-8400, you would need to also upgrade your motherboard and memory. DDR3, which is what you have now, will not work with anything newer than what you have that is worth upgrading to. You will need DDR4 if you want to upgrade to anything from Skylake throught Coffee lake refresh. Technically, some Skylake systems supported DDR3, but not all of them, and it's not recommended anyhow. So you will need DDR4 and you will also need an LGA 1151 socketed motherboard with a H370, B360, H310, Z370 or Z390 chipset. Nothing else will work with that CPU or any other 8th or 9th Gen Intel CPU.
Second alternative to save some money is look for cheap used Ivy Bridge, Haswell era platforms and use the DDR3 you already have a plus:

i7 3770K and i7 4770K CPUs would provide a noticeable performance jump if you can find them in the used market (with their respective MoBos, hopefully).

They should keep you going for a good while even!

If you want new, there's no other way but to upgrade CPU, MoBo and RAM. That would put you in the 40K RP territory (from what I saw in another post).

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU | Intel - Core i5-9400F 2.9 GHz 6-Core Processor | $169.90 @ OutletPC
Motherboard | Gigabyte - Z390 UD ATX LGA1151 Motherboard | $109.99 @ Amazon
Memory | Patriot - 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-2400 Memory | $41.90 @ Amazon
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total | $321.79
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-11 06:50 EDT-0400 |
This is about the minimum of what you would need to use that cpu. I would suggest an upgrade to 16gb of quality ram, but that cheap 2x4gb 2400 kit will work, but its lack of heatspreader will not allow for much overclocking.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU | Intel - Core i5-9400F 2.9 GHz 6-Core Processor | $169.90 @ OutletPC
Motherboard | Gigabyte - Z390 UD ATX LGA1151 Motherboard | $109.99 @ Amazon
Memory | Patriot - 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-2400 Memory | $41.90 @ Amazon
| Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts |
| Total | $321.79
| Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-11 06:50 EDT-0400 |
This is about the minimum of what you would need to use that cpu. I would suggest an upgrade to 16gb of quality ram, but that cheap 2x4gb 2400 kit will work, but its lack of heatspreader will not allow for much overclocking.

That makes no sense, especially since the build is in US currency on a US site, which clearly does not apply to the OP who plainly stated his region by posting the value in Indian rupees, but mainly due to the use of a Z390 board for a locked CPU, which regardless of whether he meant the i5-9400f or i5-8400, are both locked. If you were going to include high speed RAM, then it MIGHT make a bit more sense, but as is with a locked CPU and DDR 2400mhz memory, I don't see any reason it could be useful that way and the fact that it's based on sites that are obviously not available to the OP in their region just screams "I didn't pay attention".

Gopi, what online vendors can you order from? Can you use Flipkart and Snapdeal, or do you prefer to use
There is a reason I put that list together. Just like I should have checked India pricing, I think you should have looked into India pricing as well before that comment.
I5 8400 with B360 + 8gb 2400 ram=₹34k
9400f with z390 + 8gb 2400 ram =₹30k
The newer 9400f is almost ₹6000 ($80) cheaper than the older 8400, and even cheaper if its priced at 12k in store. The 9400f needs a ₹2000 more expensive motherboard. Still, The Superior 9400F and Z390 (or other cheaper motherboards) are significantly cheaper than an 8400 and b360 board. The Z390 motherboard supports overclocking and is of higher quality. This is a benefit if you want to upgrade your CPU later. The 9400f newer is faster and the Z390 board is better overall, and the setup still cost less than the inferior 8400 setup. I would only buy the 8400 setup if you needed an Igpu, which isnt needed thanks to your 1060. If the CPU is an 8400 is at 12k rupees, by all means, get that and a b360 board. If it is a 9400f for 12k, I would still recommend buying it, just with a z390 board for out of the box support.
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This would be a nice set-up:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-9400F 2.9 GHz 6-Core Processor (₹12899.00 @ Amazon India)
Motherboard: ASRock - B365 Phantom Gaming 4 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (₹14900.00 @ Amazon India)
Memory: Team - T-Force DARK 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-2666 Memory (₹12278.00 @ Amazon India)
Total: ₹40077.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-12 00:51 IST+0530

If you nned to save money, you could go with a less expensive MB.
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I never once indicated he SHOULD use ANY specific CPU. So I don't know WTH you are even talking about. I didn't make any suggestions regarding a specific chipset either. Just because the specific board model you chose in a B360 and a CPU that nobody recommended, to make the selections you recommended look better, doesn't change the fact that in general locked boards are less expensive across the board. Period. If I wanted to spend the time, I could certainly find a board that is less expensive, in India, and good enough for the use case, than ANY Z series board you could find there. But I don't. So enjoy.