From MS web site and I quote "Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 7 on January 13, 2015."petersutton213 Said: P.S When Win7 does become obsolete I WILL SWITCH TO LINUX!
So what are you waiting for, MS support for Windows 7 is already ended, therefore the product is obsolete and unsupported, therefore you should already be on Linux..
Claims, are one thing, but like chrisbryant so eloquently explained, close to 80-90% of the "infrastructure systems" are a variant of BSD , Unix or Linux, and that is reality.
Sure windows is the likely solution for the desktop gamer on pc (though its loosing traction against consoles more and more), but as more and more the "interface" moves to tablet, phones and other device; more and more android will be the OS of choice. (yes I am not speaking of Apple Inc. products for the sake of clarity as they hold a small market that doesn't affect this conversation).
Should the desktop and laptop users migrate to linux? Unless your doing office work, running a subpar system (duocore2 and such), do not want to pay for upgrades or software licenses and/or not a gamer I would suggest not.
But, if you want to learn more about it, keep windows and get VirtualBox and run Linux in VM mode and get familiar with the "flavor of the month" your prefer to use.. Once your familiar enough with it and accept it is what you need, then you can jump ship and become a purist Linux user.
I personally opted for that years ago, and I run 11 OS inside windows. (And only 4 are linux) on my main system, run a laptop running OS/2 Warp, and a Desktop Running only Linux.
Yes I know you can run virtual desktops and Wine applications making linux with windows inside it. Same could be said with Apple running windows & Linux in VM, and this is digressing the point.
Ease of and OS usage is only a matter of programming and a very good gui interface. Does Linux out of the iso provide this... ? sure? does it do it as well as Windows or apple... nah.. but, if you started a kid on their first computer and made them use Linux, with running games in wine, you might realize that the beauty or ease of use of a device is in the eye of the beholder.
Has Linux over the last 25 Years made progress in the eyes of the home user, I would say yes, Ubuntu (to name one) and their effortless team, have worked very hard at making an OS that is one of the first to rival Windows with ease of use,incorporating massive hardware identification and drivers support (ever looked on their forums?)
Is it windows? of course not, can it be made to look like it?, sure but a theme doesn't make it the same.