
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

I am trying to use shutdown.exe in the system32 folder with the -l switch to
logoff the computer. I work in a library and I have the shortcut on the
desktop with an icon that blends into the wallpaper and the shortcut has a
non breaking space as its name (so it is transparent on the desktop). I do
not want anyone with a "user" account to be able to double click the hidden
icon to log off from the computer, I only want the administrators group to be
able to use the shortcut. In XP I right click on the hidden icon (logged in
as a user) and click "run as" to run the shortcut as an admin. When running
shutdown.exe -l as another user the computer does not log off correctly, the
dialog screens pops up but it never logs off. Does anyone have any ideas?
Or, do you know of any way to log off the computer with a user account that
doesn't have access to the C: drive, the run menu or the task manager? I
really need to figure this one out, thanks!


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Use the LOGOFF command in the shortcut. Without any parameters it logs the user off. There is no GUI displayed.

I would suspect that using the Shutdown command with RUNAS is causing problems because you're telling it to log off, but its using a different username. This would probably cause problems saving the user's registry and other settings.

Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows Media Center\Windows Powered Smart Display\Security
Win 95/98/Me/XP Tweaks and Fixes
Per user Group Policy Restrictions for XP Home and XP Pro
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"macnobach" <macnobach@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:CF2729A7-7D18-404B-A0FD-AF18D5F8373A@microsoft.com...
>I am trying to use shutdown.exe in the system32 folder with the -l switch to
> logoff the computer. I work in a library and I have the shortcut on the
> desktop with an icon that blends into the wallpaper and the shortcut has a
> non breaking space as its name (so it is transparent on the desktop). I do
> not want anyone with a "user" account to be able to double click the hidden
> icon to log off from the computer, I only want the administrators group to be
> able to use the shortcut. In XP I right click on the hidden icon (logged in
> as a user) and click "run as" to run the shortcut as an admin. When running
> shutdown.exe -l as another user the computer does not log off correctly, the
> dialog screens pops up but it never logs off. Does anyone have any ideas?
> Or, do you know of any way to log off the computer with a user account that
> doesn't have access to the C: drive, the run menu or the task manager? I
> really need to figure this one out, thanks!


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Use the Logoff command instead. It does not requiere administrative privileges and it automatically logs the user off when you run the shortcut.

Running 'shutdown -l' command as another user will actually try to log the administrator off, not the limited user account; that was your problem.

Daniel Martín

"macnobach" <macnobach@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:CF2729A7-7D18-404B-A0FD-AF18D5F8373A@microsoft.com...
>I am trying to use shutdown.exe in the system32 folder with the -l switch to
> logoff the computer. I work in a library and I have the shortcut on the
> desktop with an icon that blends into the wallpaper and the shortcut has a
> non breaking space as its name (so it is transparent on the desktop). I do
> not want anyone with a "user" account to be able to double click the hidden
> icon to log off from the computer, I only want the administrators group to be
> able to use the shortcut. In XP I right click on the hidden icon (logged in
> as a user) and click "run as" to run the shortcut as an admin. When running
> shutdown.exe -l as another user the computer does not log off correctly, the
> dialog screens pops up but it never logs off. Does anyone have any ideas?
> Or, do you know of any way to log off the computer with a user account that
> doesn't have access to the C: drive, the run menu or the task manager? I
> really need to figure this one out, thanks!