Slow Startup and Shutdown


Sep 28, 2006
I have a brand new comp. w/XP MCE the boot times and shut down times are way too slow. Mine boots slower than the P4 3Ghz at my school. (30 seconds to a minute after I press power)
My specs:
WD 7200 320Gb
1 Gb DDR2 667 (will get another gig around April)

I know it should boot a whole lot faster so an explanation or a link to a site would be helpful. I know there are many factors so another site would be fine.
YES! Thanks a bunch for that utility. After running it I freed up 2Gb of disk space and the windows loading bar only passed 2 and a half times, compared to 8 before!
It probably deleted all your tif's and other temp files to get you the space.

It probably removed baggage from your Registry and disabled some Startup programs.

Your complaining about an 8 bar dance? That's not really a problem.

I've had customers with 32-34 bars before they booted - took 3 minutes.
That makes my answer the furthest from the truth.

I'm happy that AWCP worked so well for you. I got only minor improvement on the 12 sets I tried it on.

Check to make absolutely sure that the ram you're using is COMPLETELY compatible with the mobo. Does the manufacturer's web site show your ram model# a match for your ECS board?
(Patriot memory has been tested okay in that mobo)

It wants dual channel capable ddr2-800 - always two matching sticks, plugged into the purple slots. 667 type is acceptable, but not optimal.