Question smart bad error reallocated sectors

Jul 1, 2022
so 2 days ago i was converting some vidoe files to other formats to save space and after a bit i started getting smart bad error. every time i try to start the computer and every hour or so during the time i use the pc, so i did some testing with hd tune software and it appears i have 138 reallocated sectors, my threshhold is 140 with reallocated event count at 78 pending sector at 198 and 200 crc interface error count. I have began running some diagnostics and disk recovery and it may have fixed some of the problem but i just don't know how long the disk will survive, i can not replace it currently so i am just trying to figure out how long it might last and if the problem could be fixed. In the next 2 weeks i will try to monitor the bad sector count and see if it will go up or not. i would appreciate any advice on this specially ideas on how long it may survive, recovery or testing softwares and any suggestions regarding this or your experience with bad sectors of similar counts.