Smartphones Outsell PCs for the First Time Ever

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I'm a bit shocked that it hasn't happened yet, but I guess I'm not surprised, either. There's really not much need to buy a new PC right now. New software seems to run just fine on older computers. Having that said, why waste money on a computer, when you can buy a smartphone with a lot of new toys (or apps) on it to play with? Give it a year or so, we'll all be able to buy quad core phones that'll be able to handle anything and just like a PC now, we'll have no reason to upgrade, just swap out dead batteries.
people but 1 computer and its good for a household for the most part, but now everyone needs their own phone.

everyone wants a smartphone if they have to get a cell phone.

cellphones go obsolete faster than computers, thanks in part to apple.
I understand many users out there have no real need to upgrade their computer except for every 4-6 years, where as phone contracts typically expire every 2 years. And lets face it, the rate at which mobile device technologies are advancing, a 2 year old phone can feel extremely slow compared to a brand new one.

However, i like that the comparison here is "apples to oranges". Smartphones may be outselling pc's, but they cant exactly replace them. At least not until you can fit 500GB-1TB of storage on there and connect both hd monitors and a full size keyboard. When that becomes the case, mobile phones may replace pc's for mainstream users. Until then, nothing beats a nice big monitor with a full size keyboard and a powerful desktop, at least thats my opinion 😉
These figures are not correct since I am almost 100% certain custom built PC's are not included in this figure. They are just taking figures from Dell, Gateway, etc, etc and the other junk manafacturers. They should just tally up the motherboards sold and that should give an accurate figure to add to the pre-built systems figure.
strange i was thinking that this could have happened way before. But now it seems like smartphones are here to replace every other mobile computing device because of the such fast paced development and innovation coming every now and then.
screen size is getting bigger more cores and speedy processors better graphics, its just getting better and better.
[citation][nom]sudeshc[/nom]Forgot to mention it all started because of Android only.[/citation]

Careful giving all the credit to Google. They had an awfully good model from a certain fruit company to start from and improve upon. While I agree Android is a very good OS and has many many improvements over iOS, I would have been interested to see what it would have looked like had they not had a good example. I also agree Android is driving sales far more then Apple simply due to their distribution model.
I too am surprised this hasn't happened earlier. Most people I know buy/build 1-2 computers per year, but get 4+ smartphones per year.
the sad thing is so many people that buy smartphones have absolutely no use for them other than sending messages and making phones calls which they could have done with a $50 phone, they just buy them because its popular. I beet manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank.
Considering that some people seem more keen to change their phone than changing their underwear its not that shocking. The computers lasts longer due to the performance and quality you get and for the regular home users needs the average computer a few years back do just fine!

For gamers and enthusiasts its another matter. Many buy upgrades frequently and i wonder how much all those sales that count as in an apple/oranges comparison like this - likely none due to its not a complete new system.

eventually smartphones might with mroe die shrinks and new medium be the main form of computer interface making desktops obsolete... but that day is not here and it will be many years before smart phoen tech catches up to desktop tech. maybe somewhere in the nanotube generations when efficiency allows it but till then i'll keep my nice pretty box *hugs pc*
[citation][nom]JOSHSKORN[/nom]I'm a bit shocked that it hasn't happened yet, but I guess I'm not surprised, either. There's really not much need to buy a new PC right now. New software seems to run just fine on older computers. Having that said, why waste money on a computer, when you can buy a smartphone with a lot of new toys (or apps) on it to play with? Give it a year or so, we'll all be able to buy quad core phones that'll be able to handle anything and just like a PC now, we'll have no reason to upgrade, just swap out dead batteries.[/citation]

umm...everyone has different needs. Yours might be simple, others is not.

I game, and no smart phone can run BC2 or Crysis.

MILLIONS of people WORK on PCs and use them for MANY different things.

How do you think your Smartphone OS and apps are developed?

There will ALWAYS be MUCH need to buy a PC. MMMMKAY
[citation][nom]fyasko[/nom]the sandy bridge recall had alot to do with this.[/citation]

Yes, because Sandy Bridge was released between October and December. Right. Has got to be the dumbest thing I have read in the comments before. Honestly, that shear stupidity is just ridiculous. It is February, SB came out in January. We are talking about a time period that SB has been out for just over a month. 100 million smart phones sold in a month? Holy crap, that's unbelievable. No seriously, make sure you try to at least do some thinking before posting a comment.
[citation][nom]dan55[/nom]Yes, because Sandy Bridge was released between October and December. Right. Has got to be the dumbest thing I have read in the comments before. Honestly, that shear stupidity is just ridiculous. It is February, SB came out in January. We are talking about a time period that SB has been out for just over a month. 100 million smart phones sold in a month? Holy crap, that's unbelievable. No seriously, make sure you try to at least do some thinking before posting a comment.[/citation]
My apologies, apparently I am the moron in this situation. Totally missed your correction. My sincerest apologies.
um. don't people buy more cell phones than computers because you don't accidentally drink too much and take your computer (fine...desktop) into the hottub?

at least they pointed out that computers tend to last longer. probably mostly due to neglect or physical hardships from continuous mobility.
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