Solved R9 280X black screen issue

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Sep 6, 2014
This black screen thing has been an off again on again head ache for some time now. Trying one thing only for it to work for a bit and then poo its back to the same old black screen GPU shutdown.

I have have it come back on me now that i got shadow of mordor, a fairly demanding game i read.

I found a solution and have had zero crashes and people have asked me several times what it is so i will post it here for reference for anyone out there having the same crazy trouble.

1. Make sure you follow the standard uninstall, DDu clean, registry clean. Install just the new driver 14.9. Nothing else.

2. Install MSI afterburner

3. Unlock the voltage

4. Clock Settings:

5. in settings be sure to tick force voltage.

6. Have a aggressive fan curve. Mine start at 50% and is at a 45 degree curve from there

7. Disable any and all auto power savers in windows and bios.

That is it, working like a charm for now, knock on wood. I haven't tried to incrementally work my way back up on the regular stock settings so if you guys want to try go ahead.

My GPU XFX R9 280X

Your solution is just install latest driver and do a slight/moderate overclock? (and also having fan speed aggressively increase faster as temps increase also.)

Most users tend to go to the latest driver with little to no success.
yup, it was alot harder to figure out then it sounds now huh lol. The only thing i haven't tried was disabling any kind of auto power standby settings and tinkering with the voltage in the afterburner. once i did that the game hasnt black screen froze/crashed on me for 2 days now. I did do a slight underclock also on the core and memory clock.
it worked for me. Knowing this issue it is probably not going to fix everyones deal but if you think you are having the freezes from sudden voltage drops or something wacky that messes with a constant power/voltage state then give it a try. Im still getting a PSU to be safe, but i really think the black screen crashes are power related somehow
Wow that actually worked for me after 2 months of research.
I think its all about voltage and underclocking .
My attempts before this threat : update drivers,bios and turn on v-sync.
Had plenty of black screens on farcry 4 now i just set the graphics to ultra and the v-sync off and i got 0 black screens,tearing.


Hi, I'm having a similar issue and have been researching this problem and have found your thread a couple times and have a question for you. What part does the "disabling power savers" play in all of this?

I'm asking because I was actually able to get factory OC settings on my XFX Black Edition to run and pass stress tests and run any game without crashing after doing several steps. Then, I left home for half the day, came back, woke my computer up and found that the problem returned. The only thing that changed was that the PC put itself to sleep. Is there a conflict or issue related to this? Thanks for your help.
unforunately, this solution doesnt work for me. still havent found out why i crash. i've changed the p/s, changed the motherbaord, i really DONT understand why this happens. for me, i can replicate the blackscreen if i run furmark.

that said, if i leave the computer unplugged for 2 full days, i AM able to run things. so for me, it seems definately voltage related.
It seems to not work for meu too. But i'm using 14.12 driver for now. I'll try to downgrade to 14.9. In my case, I'm in the warranty time, but I can't prove this problem because it passes de 3D Mark and other benchmarks
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