I have a few questions regarding OC (never done it, but am about to when my new machine arrives). I've numbered them so please reply by numbers, just to make my life easier
1) Does a 13nm, or a 9nm made CPU matter when it comes to OC, and if so, is it a significant difference?
2) Do i OC through BIOS, or a software product, or what?
3) How do i make sure my CPU doesn't overheat? (I don't mean: get a heatsync!, i mean how do i monitor it?)
4) From your experience, how much OC can i get, and have my machine stay stable, with a AMD 64 3500 90nm?
I have a few questions regarding OC (never done it, but am about to when my new machine arrives). I've numbered them so please reply by numbers, just to make my life easier
1) Does a 13nm, or a 9nm made CPU matter when it comes to OC, and if so, is it a significant difference?
2) Do i OC through BIOS, or a software product, or what?
3) How do i make sure my CPU doesn't overheat? (I don't mean: get a heatsync!, i mean how do i monitor it?)
4) From your experience, how much OC can i get, and have my machine stay stable, with a AMD 64 3500 90nm?