Sorry fanboys, Sony's just a good liar. They were constantly deceptive with the ps3 so I don't know why it's a surprise for you. After their big E3 show they actually stated they were only guaranteeing a lack of DRM on their titles and 3rd parties were still free to do it (which they do now, like EA's online pass). Microsoft needs better PR people, they wanted to sell console gamers a complete change in what they were comfortable with and didn't seem to expect a negative reaction. I don't need a Masters in marketing to know that was idiotic. Understand this, the issue is NOT with the console developers, they have no business concerns over software piracy or copyright protection, easy to pirate consoles actually will be more popular. Why do you think the DS and the early PSPs sold so well? It's the software that's getting pirated, the publishers paying the cost for exceedingly expensive games are the ones who want DRM, DLC, F2P, and all those other buzzwords that make old gamers cringe. It's the publishers putting pressure on consoles to conform to what they want no matter what lies they're trying to sell now about "Oh we didn't want DRM, it was Microsoft's idea!". Sony and MS are both dependent on 3rd party titles, those systems aren't going to sell if they don't carry the next CoD, MGS, and Final Fantasy. Nintendo is the only one who can stay afloat on their own titles and defy AAA devs. Exclusive games sell consoles, not hardware. This is why indie devs are becoming more important now. Sony understood this and has been heavily courting indies, even Nintendo is relaxing their historically tight standards. Microsoft has been giving indies the cold shoulder, and they're going to pay for it in the future.