Sony Changed DRM Gears After Negative Xbox One Feedback

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lol all the BS about the new consoles going around for the past month has been quite humorous on how it panned out. Get the PS4 because Xbox One has a DRM. PS4 decides, hmm we probably should not have a DRM.
Both companies have DRM plans, and the infastructure to impliment it is all in place and ready to go. What they have done is made the DRM an optional tool for developers so that individual games may require it and then the bad press is pushed on the dev rather than holy MS or Sony.

All it takes is one update and it all comes back for either company.

My thoughts exactly. M$'s marketing department uses all means to downplay microsoft's own

Also note that you won't need to "activate" PS4, unlike wth Xbone 180. Which would be logical thing to do, if original firmware was indeed Ubisoft and Co DRM wet dream.

Sony doesn't have DRM infrastructure to support third parties.
Third parties can still add restrictions on used games, BUT only as far as online play goes.

Microsoft did NOT leave developers option to make DRM optional. Whether publisher wanted it or not, re-sell of used game was only possible with M$ nodding (and getting a nice sum) for the deal.

Ugly articles like this are trying to push "oh, Sony too" crap, but it's very far from truth.
You could officially upgrade HDD on PS3, you can't on xbox360.

All "innovations" from M$ come down to more restrictions on users to get more money for M$.

Compare this list of games, that PSN+ users get FOR FREE during one year (64 titles) to what you get on XBLive:


"@jkflipflop98 Corporations exist to produce a product or service. Making money is the side-effect of performing your main function. The instant you switch priorities and put "making money" at the top of the list, the entire place is going to go down in flaming wreckage."

The reason corporations go down in flames is because they.... listen closely... WEREN'T MAKING MONEY.

How is this hard to understand? You think if they weren't making money but satisfying consumer needs they wouldn't go down in a big ball of flames? Were is this logic.
I think it would be very nice if Sony made their own VM of Linux (or FreeBSD with Linux binary compatibility) for the PS4, so that kids could use it as a "game". Not only are there lots of great games for Linux (my kids LOVE Tuxpaint, Supertux, and Frogatto), but it's also a great learning/teaching environment for kids and their parents. Kids could "play the Linux game" and make a web page or some annimation or practice their chemistry equations (there are programs for that!), etc.

Having an alternate OS is something to be embraced, rather than to be feared, as it's an open platform that will greatly expand the uefulness of the PS4 and thus bring a wider audience to the product.

Realistically, if the PS4 offerred a full Linux OS, even in a VM, 99% of people out there wouldn't even need a desktop computer any more.
Sony wanting to go drm route is indeed true. Sony even wanted to patent the idea. And they wanted to insert some sort of RF tags that would be like an always on connection. All of this info was back in january.


Whats funny is I keep reading xbox fans jumping ship to ps4 cause
"Sony cares about their gamers"

No company really cares. Its about the money.
Its just business, never personal.

Short sighted people like you are somehow getting into upper management positions, causing this trend we've seen lately. Why aren't you making money? Because you're concentrating on the money, not on the thing that actually gets you the money. Microsoft has gone into "MAXIMUM PROFITS!!!!1!" mode. That's why Windows 8 tried to shoehorn everyone into Microsofts little walled garden "app store" - because they wanted to make money. It failed on it's face and everyone hates Win8. The Xbone was an attempt at controlling the entire ecosystem to make more money. It failed on it's face and now the Xbone is gonna end up sucking hind teat.

Making money isn't evil, but it should never be your #1 priority (unless you're an investment firm).

"Short sighted people like you are somehow getting into upper management positions, causing this trend we've seen lately. Why aren't you making money? Because you're concentrating on the money, not on the thing that actually gets you the money. Microsoft has gone into "MAXIMUM PROFITS!!!!1!" mode. That's why Windows 8 tried to shoehorn everyone into Microsofts little walled garden "app store" - because they wanted to make money. It failed on it's face and everyone hates Win8. The Xbone was an attempt at controlling the entire ecosystem to make more money. It failed on it's face and now the Xbone is gonna end up sucking hind teat.

Making money isn't evil, but it should never be your #1 priority (unless you're an investment firm)."

My whole argument was to hopefully make you take a step back reevaluate your stance on corporate development. Companies make a product, they make money, they make more products and they make more money. So, if a company produces a new product line up that makes "YOU" as a consumer think they are just trying to make money, that isn't necessarily their problem. They just aren't making something you personally are interested in and we ALL know you cannot please everyone. This website by itself is a testament to that. Of course they should be focusing on producing a product everyone enjoys and THEN the money comes but, you make it sound like they don't give a crap about their product?! What, because of DRM?! DRM is specifically targeted at protecting their product, which ultimately comes down to PROFITS!!!
I wish MS did not change their DRM policy because most of the negative feedback came from fanboys. MS was going and still may be the first to introduce a fully digital market place where we could have shared, sell, lend our digital games. Disc based games are expensive and will eventually be phased out. As far as being 24/7 connected I do not care, my cellphone and router are connect at all times, I mean this is 2013! To me next gen is more than just a spec update, the services must be taken to the next level as well.
I really don't see what's wrong with the article, at the end of the day both MSoft and Sony are corporations that has to profit to keep existing, it all depends on how they make money in the process. MSoft was going to force consumers to go along with their corporate strategy, and people didn't like it. Even if Sony had similar plans, they had the good sense to see that this is a consumer driver economy, and went in favor of the consumer. There's nothing wrong changing things for the better:)

XBLA and other services utterly destroy was Sony can offer, right now indie games is the only advantage Sony has for their next gen.

Are you trying to say PS3 games work on PS4? Because they don't, lol.
Meanwhile I'm able to play games from 90's on Windows 8 PC. And guess what, it's a MS product!!!1

Urmmm... You do realize that Sony ditched backwards compatibility before MS did, right? As in, the PS3 hasn't been at all backwards compatible since the start of the last generation, while the 360 still runs many original XBOX titles? Call it a hunch though, I'm guessing you didn't boycott Sony when it made the PS3 not play any PS2 games, and won't be boycotting them now that they are doing the same with PS3 games...
For some time I've felt that Sony had intended the same thing as MS and had simply kept quiet, waiting and watching. Then at the last second threw MS under the bus. What I love is how many people lapped it up like a dog at his water bowl.
I still think Sony is a much better company for following consumer demand. Why does everyone think Sony has to have a personal love affair with every gamer or "it doesn't count"? They're a business you morons. They react to consumer demand to sell the maximum amount of product, or, they should aspire to, at least, as should any company. So they're still a far better company than MS, the company that brought us Windows 8, packing more protested features than, dare I say it, Windows ME. Seriously, people, get some perspective.

This is how business works. We get angry when they don't react to their demands, and now we're going to get angry when they DO react? What the hell is wrong ith you people?
Okay quick fanboy comment: way to school that pig Microsoft, Sony and the public!

MS got their azzes handed to them in massive revolt. They recoiled and are licking their wounds with backtracking. I can't tell you as a PS3 gamer how much this makes me happy (who also has a PS4 on Amazon pre-order). As an also-PC gamer, I am loving the beatdown the public is doing on the disaster known as Windows 8.

Curious... How did you handle Sony's absolutely epic tumble from distant first with the PS2 to abysmal third with the PS3? After the public revolt against Sony's overpriced, no-games for the first three years, forcing unnecessary Blu-ray at the user's expense, proprietary hardware driving up dev costs abortion of a Playstation. Though, it seems you still bought it so I'm guessing you don't actually care about public revolt in itself, just public revolt against MS...

At least you're up front about being a fanboy. MS has done less to sabotage themselves this gen than Sony did last gen, and many of you are still PS3 fanboys. What makes you think that MS is really going down in flames, seeing as many of you supported a system that was every bit as much a screwup just last gen?

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