
Aug 5, 2011
+OS: Windows 7 64-Bit
+Motherboard: M4A88T-V EVO

Alright, so a few days ago I turned on my computer and it didn't display anything, after checking connections and hardware, I decided to order a replacement. When the replacement got here, I put the new motherboard in and plugged everything in, turn on, same problem. I decided to put my old motehrboard back in and tryed multiple things to get it to work. So eventualy I fix it and everything is all good, I turn it on, everything is perfect. Then I notice, I have no sound. After a couple hours of being inside of my computer I made sure the connections were fine and everything was plugged in, still no sound. I installed the drivers for my motherboards on board sound and still nothing works. I even installed a dedicated sound card and that didn't work either. I really have no idea what to do at this point and I'm completely stumped, any help would be much appreciated.

What I have done;
Checked connections
Tryed other speakers/headphones
Tryed a dedicated sound card
installed multiple drivers/utilities for my motherboard
checked device manager

Build :
Phenom II X4 925
8GB DDR3 2000
2x ATi 5870's
300GB Western Digital HDD