Hi! This is a bit of a random question and I don't know if this is the right place.
My wife has gotten a couple of emails pretending to be energy surveys or electricity rebates for me at my old address with my first and last name and old physical address on them. Normally I'd just mark them as spam, obviously not touch anything on them, and not care, but the fact that they have my full physical address that I moved from a few months ago, and my full name being sent to my wife's email, is just making her nervous about our security.
It probably isn't anything to be worried about, but it's just odd since it's not like my old physical address or her email address or my name were really public or connected at all... and we just got married and moved in together a few months ago. I know a lot of information is easier to find than you would think, but any thoughts on how this could even happen and if it's something we should just shrug off and mark as spam and accept that people can find this stuff even without any security breaches? Or did one of us get hacked and they're trying to get us to click links now by making the emails more personalized?
The first one was from "mike@hudsonvalleyrugby.com" which is just a travelling rugby team's website, the second from "unitedenergy@angsoftech.com and angsoftech seems to be some disreputable nepalese website. Both of them have a signature for "Bohr, Heisenberg, & Planck Applied Technology. 523 Lakeside Circle, Sunrise, FL, 33326 which is just a bunch of names from quantum mechanics and a random house in Miami.
My wife has gotten a couple of emails pretending to be energy surveys or electricity rebates for me at my old address with my first and last name and old physical address on them. Normally I'd just mark them as spam, obviously not touch anything on them, and not care, but the fact that they have my full physical address that I moved from a few months ago, and my full name being sent to my wife's email, is just making her nervous about our security.
It probably isn't anything to be worried about, but it's just odd since it's not like my old physical address or her email address or my name were really public or connected at all... and we just got married and moved in together a few months ago. I know a lot of information is easier to find than you would think, but any thoughts on how this could even happen and if it's something we should just shrug off and mark as spam and accept that people can find this stuff even without any security breaches? Or did one of us get hacked and they're trying to get us to click links now by making the emails more personalized?
The first one was from "mike@hudsonvalleyrugby.com" which is just a travelling rugby team's website, the second from "unitedenergy@angsoftech.com and angsoftech seems to be some disreputable nepalese website. Both of them have a signature for "Bohr, Heisenberg, & Planck Applied Technology. 523 Lakeside Circle, Sunrise, FL, 33326 which is just a bunch of names from quantum mechanics and a random house in Miami.