SSD showing as SCSI Disk Device


Jul 30, 2016
I have a Lenovo G510 and recently i change the hard disk with a Kingston SSD.When i finished with WIN 7 installation procedure i notice in the device manager that it's showing as SCSI disk drive and not SSD.Also i download the Kingston SSD toolbox , i run it and the result is that there's no SSD disk in my laptop!Any idea???

Thank you
I'm not very expert on these...the SSD is belong on SCSI "family"?
so did I take the benefits of an SSD or not because of not recognized as SSD?

Thank you first of all for your interest at my little issue
Actually, it's controller and MB controller are of SCSI family. To the controller it doesn't really mean much if it's SSD, HDD or ODD, it's just another storage device. It's BIOS and P&P firmware should tell your OS how to use it.
Important part is to make sure that W7 recognizes it right as an SSD and enables trim command.
You can open the Admin Command prompt and type:
fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify

DisableDeleteNotify = 0 : TRIM is already enabled and working in Windows
DisableDeleteNotify = 1 : TRIM is not enabled

To enable SSD TRIM support in Windows
fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0

In disk properties, under Tools > Optimization > it should show as SSD.
Just another question, did you set SATA port in AHCI mode ? It's important for SSD, it's performance and life.

disabledeletnotify is 0 .
sata port in bios is ACHI
under the tools in disk properties there are only these choises :error cheking,defragmentation,back up.
where is optimization?
Sorry, keep mixing W7 and 10, just switched to W7 dual boot and checked, it doesn't show type of drive there.
Anyway, as long as it's recognized and trim is enabled it will not try to defragment it, just send occasional trim command as per optimization schedule.

ok my friend....i uncheck the shedule defragmentation to be sure.
i leave it like this...i think it;s only problem of showing the right type of hard disk...because generally i can tell that when i start up the laptop it goes very quick to start i want to believe that i 'm ok.
thank you once again for your infos and tips!!!