[SOLVED] SSD via PCI-e Adapter


Jun 10, 2017
Random question:
I have 1 128GB M.2 SSD and 1 256GB SSD. The M.2 I bought from CEX last year and the 256GB came from the onboard M.2 slot on a dead Dell motherboard. Not sure of specs of either other than the fact that both have 2 notches in the connectors so they'll fit B or M key slots without issues. I suspect that they are PCI-e compliant and could be run in a PCI-e slot with the correct adapter and a board that supports NVMe from BIOS (which I hear most do in some form or another as of 2012 boards - correct me if I am wrong). Is there some way I can confirm whether they'll work in a PCI-e adapter or not without actually testing the theory?
Best I can get you is the following (as they are currently installef as SATA SSD's in a system):

128GB SK Hynix SC311
Firmware: 70000P10
Serial Number: MI81N072611901J37

256GB SK Hynix SC401
Firmware: 90000121
Serial Number: MJ93N272410503R4Y

I know ASUS released nvme support for a number of boards a while ago - as per THIS POST so I am considering swapping to an ASUS board with 2 PCI-e slots and using an adapter to get my 256GB into a PCI-e slot
The 401 came from a motherboard M.2 slot right next to PCI-e slots though. OK, it was a DELL motherboard but I don't recall whoch side of the SSD that the notch in the slot was on. Plus, they both have slots on both sides of the connector, one is the correct distance for an M key, the other is the correct placement for a B key. This is why I am so confused.....
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