Stable except for when nero is burning wtf?


Jul 29, 2009
i can oc my 955 be to 3.83 and run everything stable... crysis full settings and all.. leave the pc on for days no problems... but when i run nero it blue screens soon after the burn process begins... any ideas? i can lower my clock to 3.7 and it wont blue screen..
i was at 1.44.. i think thats high for 3.8? i can run 3.7 off of like 1.4 or so.. idk wtf the deal is. iv tried raising the fsb and lowering multi but idk which is best to up for "easier stability"
i just raised my volts to 1.47 and 3.8 is running ok so far... it crashed earlier at 1.44 playing a game so i jumped it to 1.47 temps are still fine and it didnt crash after playing the same game for a longer period of time so fingers crossed lol
havent tried it yet... i think i should be ok though... it would get a little bit of the burn process done before crashing so i think with the upped volts it should be stable enough now... alot of my games appeared to crash at 3.8 on 1.44 but since their running smoothe now something must be going right :) ill let yall know once i burn something
Aha! So you lied before, in the beginning you said EVERYTHING else is running fine. Now you tell us that some of your games did not.

Are you afraid that as soon as you start NERO it will crash again and oh what a disappointment will that be! LOL

Joking my friend. Anyway if your temps are fine and everything else works fine, then leave it as is. Keep one thing in mind though. If it is cold (winter) where you are, when summer comes around, those temps will rise by about 10oC, will that still be safe? Instead of changing your settings along with the seasons, i would suggest you stick to one tried and reliable setting and leave it there.

Otherwise... time for upgrade! hehe
well my games only crashed on 3.8 at 1.44... same time it crash wthi nero... the games lasted longer tho lol.. but iv upped my volts and my games are running smoothe so hopefully everything is working.. iv hit 54C peak under load so i feel safe
well ok this is so strange... burning cds it runs fine.. but when i burn a movie it crashes like 3 mins before finishing 🙁 such a tear lol... im sure i can up the volts to 1.49 or 1.5 and it'll work no prob.. i upped the volts to 1.48 and thats when it almost finished without crashing.. my temps are still safe so idk.. but im sure it'll burn at 3.7 at 1.47+ volts easy so i should be ok just to underclock to 3.7 to burn a movie : / gay but ill figure something out... whats a another good movie burning program that might not require so much resources? avi files btw :)
Mate if it crashes (obviously not due to porr programming) then obviously it is not 100% stable and if it was me i would not trust it. Also your voltages are going skyhigh. It is either a memory timing issue (not CPU bound), so try another way to overclock successfully, or that is your CPU's limit. For better or worse, you have to accept it and leave it at the maximum that you have it stable. Unless of course money is no issue for you, so go ahead and either burn it, or buy a new one and replace this.
When something starts to eat up lots of power for little extra gain, then it is not worth it in my oppinion.
Eg. My E8400 goes up to 4.05GHz at 1.43V, to go to 4.1GHz and more it needs 1.46V at least. No way i am willing to sacrifice 0.03V, and an increase of 5oC on my temperatures for 50MHz!
it burns at 3.7 movies fine at 3.8 voltages but at 3.8 it crashes but everything else runs fine.. its just with burning movies to : / oh well i havent tried burning at 1.48 volts at 3.8 yet but no more movies to burn atm ill post up when i do