I have a build of MSI Z170A Gaming M7, GTX 1650, and an Intel I5-7400. I recently upgraded my motherboard from a Lubin 82F2 To the MSI and went form Onboard graphics to the 1650. But now I have static in my headphones whenever audio plays, I didn't have an issue beforehand. I tried reinstalling and deleting audio drivers, using a splitter cable, trying both front and back audio jacks. Nothing works, I even reinstalled windows, both from my PC and from a USB stick. Nothing helped. I'm starting to think its interference on the Motherboard. Someone suggested to me to get a USB dac.......No idea where to even start, it's all so confusing. Especially pricey if I'm even looking at the right things. I'd rather not return this motherboard because it took over 2 weeks to ship (Im not full of $$$ so I can't upgrade my CPU for a better MB) so is there anything I can do? Would an Audio Card help? or maybe im missing some step that could fix this static issue? It only happens when there is audio going above 80% of my headsets volume. It doesn't happen when plugged into my monitor, only when using ANY of my audio jacks.