Yeah, superclocked or overclocked edition basically means that the vendor (be it Asus, MSI, GB, etc.) took a GPU core and turned up the clock speed by maybe 5% or 10% which in real world gaming amounts to almost nothing most of the time and slightly more power use or 1 or 2 FPS. Some of these cards, though, are 'binned' cores like the Asus "Top Core" label. Top Core basically means that they tested the cores under certain conditions and even though they are physically identical to all the other GTX 980s or GTX 970s out there, these cores for whatever reason use slightly less voltage when overclocked and produce slightly less heat. Otherwise, when set to the stock clocks, they perform almost identical to all the other cores like it. I don't know if they still use this term "top core' but that Strix card does say that it is factory OC'd which is basically what superclocked means.