Question Strange Problem Affecting Multiple Programs

May 2, 2019
Hi, for the last few days, I've been having an issue that's been affecting multiple programs, for the most part making them not respond or crash on start.

The programs in question are:
  • Paint Tool .SAI
  • Blender
  • MalwareBytes
  • Radeon Settings: Host Application
  • Adobe CC Programs (AE, PS)
I've tried multiple things, from updating video drivers, to using an alternate antivirus software, but all to no avail.

Until I checked out my computer's temp file folder.
I was searching for a crash report from Blender since it crashed on startup. I wasn't able to find one where they usually are, so in an act of desperation, I deleted all Temp files.
Suddenly, the problem was just magically gone. All of the different programs worked perfectly, so I assumed that it may have just been excess temp files causing some form of error.

However, now that I have restarted the computer, the problem is back in full force.
This time, deleting temp folders DOES NOT fix the problem.

Any idea what is going on here? I'd really like to get back to work, but this has been seriously slowing me down.
I really appreciate any help I can get! Have a great day! 🆒
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Colif is correct, I would say something weird is happening and it could be a virus, so what virus checker do you have? Malwarebytes is only for Malware, which is not a virus...
As for the bootup in Safemode, I always recommend that, so you can see if it is something weird running.

As much as people like HDtune, I prefer Hard Disk Sentinel because it offers so much more in protection of your hard disk incase it is dying. It is free for 30 days. Well worth using.
I've tried multiple anti-virus programs, all of which brought up nothing, but I will try BitDefender now.

After attempting a clean boot, the problem went away with selective program testing.
I did some looking around and found that the problem seemingly does not occur when
a service known as "Runswusb" is disabled.

After doing some research, it seems that Runswusb is a program often related to realtek hardware,
but also one that is commonly imitated by viruses. I don't have any sort of realtek hardware,
but it may have come bundled with something else.

Going to do a check with Bitdefender. Will keep you posted.
I do have one, in fact, this was a new one I got the other day so I am pretty confident this is what was causing the problem.
Interestingly, the adapter works perfectly even with the driver disabled, so I think I'm going to leave it that way.