Strange things with internet connections any ideas?


Aug 9, 2012
Hello every one.

Ok so here is whats going on i just moved in with a friend and he has charter so i figered no big deal.

Well i get set up and my internet is starting to act well weird like some time a page wont load or videos/ music will stop like hulu or pandora.

Now this might sound like a normal internet problem bu here is te weired part. I can run online game like wow with no connection issues i have replaced my ethernet cable, checked the houseing on my mother board (thought it migh have been damaged in te move) done a malwerebits and avast scan, Pinged severl web sites in my command prompt with mixed results. Called charter they were not much help. On im pulling 20mb down time and 5 up time. But pages still won work. Flash and java are uptodate and my room mates computer works fine he is on wireless. I har charter at my old place and never had issues.

So do hou guys know what it could be?


Aug 9, 2012
I know its not just a windows problem because it happened to my girlfriends mac when she was over here the other day. oddly enough it works for my room mates mac. so i mean at any given time we have 3 computers hooked up. At first i thought maybe we are not being allocated enough IP addresses, thinking maybe something with the DNS but charter in their infanite wisdom :pfff: told me there was nothing wrong. The IT guy that came out said it might be my cord replaced it same problem ran Malware/ avant no problems. thinking i might have to call IT again.

And i did try it on linux same deal. i cant ping websites some times. i can always hit but sites like and are hit and miss

What i think is going on is that for some reason the packets are being interupted, not much but enough to not load info for web pages. because like i said i can still run wow with no problems.


Aug 10, 2012
20mb seems to be a very slow connection, I just checked mine and its running at 100mb. I somtimes have the same problem as you but I put that down to this very old time machine that I am using as it only has 516memory and an old AMD processor. My new one will be a state of the art mother f***er so this problem should be solved. If its not your computer like mine, then its almost certainly your internet connection. Phone your telephone company and ask them to put some more 'gain' on the line. I did that and it does improve things considerably.


Aug 10, 2012
Oh yeh, you didnt mention if your friends computer is on when you have this problem and whether yours is off when he has a good connection. If it only happens when you both have your comps on then you are splitting the signal e.g. 10mbs each. That could be the problem. Also, if he is using wireless connection, is his router secure, maybe you have someone living near by piggy-backing on his router.


Aug 9, 2012
a few edits i did not put it had to write it from an iphone haha, anyway i have 20MB down speed and 5MB up speed so its running fast but its very inconsistent. My friends computer is on when this is happening but he left for the weekend and turn it off and the same problem.

so to give some more background info.

He is connected to the router wierlessly on his desktop(dont know why) and macbook

i am connected to his router via a Ethernet cable.

I have a down speed and up speed of 20MB and 5MB

his down speed and up speed are around 18MB and 3MB

we both have 100Mbps

The problem occurs all the time.

like i said before i think it might be that the flow of packets are being interrupted some how but i dont know what to do to fix it. i have tried resting and doing all the basic stuff. hell when i called charter and told them what i did they told me "well you have done all we can do already over the phone so we will send a tech out" I am really hoping its something i can do, i dont like calling charter and trying to get them to reset our internet from their end.

our router is secure too, and i know its not my comp haha, i spent WAY to much on this this for it to be the computer lol