
Feb 13, 2003
Try and explain this. In one of my systems I have an enermax 350 watt psu. I just “upgraded” it today with a thermaltake pure power 420 watt psu. The sad part is, is that with the 420 my system can’t complete prime95 and my voltages are higher. Any ideas?

Here are voltages –

Enermax idle
+12v – 12.256
+5 – 4.972
+3.3 – 3.344
Vcore – 1.856

Enermax load
+12v – 12.384
+5 – 4.892
+3.3 – 3.328
Vcore – 1.856

Thermaltake idle
+12v – 12.32
+5 – 5.026
+3.3 – 3.392
Vcore – 1.856

Thermaltake load
+12v – 12.512
+5 – 4.999
+3.3 – 3.392
Vcore – 1.856

Supporting AMD with your breakable stuff.


Oct 1, 2003
Vcore – 1.856

That seems to be a pretty high vcore. But I'm really only familiar with the AMD Barton's which at stock are 1.65 (desktop, mobile's are lower still).

Have you raised in an effort to OC? What cpu? What are temps at that vcore level.

Were you stable in P95 before, or did you get the new PSU to help you get stable in an OC? (Just me trying to read between the lines)

Barton 2500+
Abit NF7-S v 2.0
Maxtor 60GB ATA 133 7200RPM
512MB Corsair Twinx 3200LL
9600 Pro
Enermax Noisetaker 420 watts


Feb 13, 2003
1.85 is how high asus boards run throughbreads.
temps - 30 - 40 cel.
the new psu made prime 95 unstable. And after some extended testing i found that my pc is very unstable. I would leave it alone doing nothing, or downloading or encoding vidio and i would come back and it would be locked up and restarted. This is bery poor of thermaltake to make such a pos psu. Its 70 watts higher then my last one and is of much less quality.

In order to solve this problem i had to set my vcore to defaults which is 1.902 -1.92 (it changes), which is really, really high. But when its at this voltage my cpu runs at 44 on full load.

what do you think?<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by songoku on 04/16/04 00:47 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


Feb 13, 2003
Should i replace this what antec's trueblue480 or maybe their true550 ?

Supporting AMD with your breakable stuff.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by songoku on 04/17/04 11:06 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Oct 1, 2003
I don't think 44c is too high at all. Still it seems that a vcore of 1.9 and up is very high. I didn't realize the T-bred used that much as default. (I thought it was 1.8).

BTW, my mobo undervolts. I've gotta set it to 1.675 just to get 1.65 (per MBM5). At higher vcore levels when OCing, it's off by as much as .05 volts, and yeah, my vcore flucuates too.

What are you using to monitoring the vcore ( and voltage rails) with? Try Motherboard Monitor 5 if you haven't already. Here's a link, it's a free d/l. Use the Dashboard to see if the psu rails are fluctuating, thus causing the probs. The voltage on all rails you originally posted look fine.

Motherboard Monitor 5 d/l:
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

EDIT: I hear the upper-end Antec's are good (I thought they were called True Power, maybe True Blue is the new name). I hear good things about Fortron also, and as you can see in my sig, I went with the Enermax- just got it last month.

As far as wattage, here's a site with a psu wattage calculator <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>. I think of the psu as an investment, so extra power is good for future upgrades. But, I don't know the cost difference, or what's in your rig. Also I'm hearing the new vid cards require really large psu's. So, try to balance that all with your budget and make ur decision (if you do swap now)

Barton 2500+
Abit NF7-S v 2.0
Maxtor 60GB ATA 133 7200RPM
512MB Corsair Twinx 3200LL
9600 Pro
Enermax Noisetaker 420 watts
Win98SE<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Coyote on 04/19/04 02:24 PM.</EM></FONT></P>