Question Stuttering & FPS fluctuations on new laptop ?

Oct 12, 2019
Hi guys im new here and im also a new laptop owner.
Im just wondering if my 5400rpm hdd is reason to all the stuttering. The stuttering happens, for example im playing paladins then new details show up, the fps will go from 150 to 30.
It just stutter for 1 second or less but its annoying specially its a online game.
I have MSI Gf63 8rd
latest nvidia drivers
GTX 1050ti
8gb ram
Temps are good
Everyone's opinion will be a great help. If the hdd is the reason then, if I purchase sdd will I get rid of stuttering?
Your 8GB RAM may be the culprit, especially if it is a single DIMM. Otherwise, check your power profile to ensure you are at full performance.
A 5400 RPM drive will hurt overall performance on a laptop. But it is difficult to say for sure it is the cause of your problem.
Your 8GB RAM may be the culprit, especially if it is a single DIMM. Otherwise, check your power profile to ensure you are at full performance.
A 5400 RPM drive will hurt overall performance on a laptop. But it is difficult to say for sure it is the cause of your problem.
I have a dual channel memory its 4x4, the best requirements for paladins is 4gb ram
the default settings for me is maximum on 1080p, I put it to high to try if it still happen and yes it does
I also downloaded msi afterburner the ram isn't overused it is only between 4gb to 5gb