Sudden FPS drop when playing games


Jul 10, 2015
Im experiencing sudden FPS drops when playing games. It gives me 30-40 fps but after 5-6 mins of playing FPS goes below 1-2 then after 10-20 sec it goes to normal. this keeps on repeating.
I recently changed from gt 440 to my friend old gtx 560. could that be the issue here?

MSI G41M-P33 combo
Core 2 Quad q8400
zotac 560 ti amp!
Corsair vs 550
8Gb transcend

Took this screenshot just after there was huge fps drop to 1-2 while playing Project Cars. It happened 15mins after playing.

No question of any dust inside the case. Also I did a fresh reinstall. But still facing issue. I think my low end motherboard is getting hot and throttling down the cpu so I'm getting lag spikes. Or maybe my friends old gfx card is damaged?

i thinks its a throttle issue coz my friend said gfx card was in perfect condition and there other people complaining of throttling in motherboard model. should i use throttlestop??