Suggestion for a new graphics card


Sep 27, 2011
I bought the pc that I'm using about a year ago and I recently wanted to upgrade his CPU and graphics card. A friend of mine showed me the pc's personal evaluation(the one that shows you how good everything is in your pc with the maximum being 7,9) and it turns out that my CPU is 6,2 so I guess I don't have to replace it yet but my graphics card is 4,4. I'm using a Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E6300 @ 2.80GHz 2.79GHz and my system is 32-bit. What would be the best option for a graphics card without the price exceeding the 150 euro?



I have no idea how your CPU gets a score of 6.2 out of 7.9. I am linking the THG CPU chart comparing your CPU with the popular i5-2500K which shows the latter out performing your CPU by two to four TIMES on most tests.,2422.html?prod%5B4788%5D=on&prod%5B4433%5D=on


Not sure. How do I check it?

If its not in your system documentation, you may need to open the case and look at the label on the power supply unit. When you open the case, take common electrostatic dishcarge precautions. If you are unsure about looking inside the case, it is easy and you can look at this site with instructions about installing a video card for simple instructions on going inside your case.