[SOLVED] Supernova g5 good for crossfire vega 64


Jul 30, 2019
Before I start the reason I am doing crossfire is because I not only use the system for gaming but for 3d rendering and these cards are relatively cheap at the moment + all the games I have support crossfire
On a ltt forum we figured out my system would need a 1000w psu (I tried this forum page but got no response ) now evga has a deal on the supernova g5 right now and I was debating getting that psu rather than a Corsair rmx model
Dose anyone own one of these PSUs and if so do you think it will be high enough quality to tame the Vegas ? Thanks for any help
G5 units are decent, but not "top tier" in my opinion. It's fsp based rather than super flower and is not as good as the G2 series or even the G3. I would prefer an RMx

Regardless, I would say that it can power crossfire vega 64.
Thanks for the reply I'll get the rmx model I need something reliable and if the g5 is not the best I'll get the rmx it's only a little bit more anyway