<A HREF="http://www.active-hardware.com/english/benchmarks/benchmarks.htm" target="_new">Active-Hardware Benchmark Applications</A> provides some of the most popular benchmark softwares used to gauge computer performance. Some of them are especially designed to test specific areas of a computer system while others are used to perform multiple tests and give an overall quality indice of the performance measured.
<b><font color=red><i>"All delays are dangerous in war."</b></font color=red></i>
3D Mark 2001 (madonion.com)
Sisoftwares Sandra 2002
CodeCreatures Benchmark Pro
(want to compare or ask somthin (or get some nice free software) email me at leemspencer@mindspring.com (im also on msn by that address))
The first LAN party I went to was at a PETA convention. They booted me when I shot a crab in HL!