
Oct 3, 2006
Hi All :D
I'm not sure where to start, here I suppose;

System Spec.
Intel Q6600 CPU 2.4 Ghz (sometimes OC'd to 2.9) with Artic Cooler
ASROCK 4Core1600Twins-P35
4 Gb Kingston HyperX DDR2
Powercolor HD4850+ (OC'd 675/1100)
Samsung Spinpoint F2/3 1Tb
OCZ 1000w PSU
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Was happy with the system, I only run 1650 res on my 22" monitor but recently I've noticed it struggling, in particular with Fallout NV. I do like to run as much AF & AA as I can and obviously as hi graphic detail as will allow.

Funny part is, I tried lowering graphic detail, took off the CPU OC in case the thermal protection was cutting in (it's switch off but who knows). even added the no mouse acceleration to the .ini file but to no avail. :cry:

other things seem to be a bit slow as well, I put crysis DVD in the drive, tried to explore it and got the green bar for ages.


Do you think there is a bottleneck in my system? I'm looking @ a new GPU or a SSD for the windows install or going DDR3 (but my board will only support 4Gb!!??) OR is the CPU broken (it was 2nd hand!) or lastly could it be that I've put an index somewhere I shouldn't or I need to re-install windows (Hope not!!!!)

Any ideas/opinions anyone?


Oct 3, 2006
Hi Outlander_04, thanks for the comment, the MOBO actually has 2 DDR2 & 2 DDR3 slots (i thought I was being clever when I bought it :ouch: but although it supports 16Gb of DDR2 it'll only support 4 Gb of DDR3 :eek: ) I've looked at task manager but can't see much activity although not whilst 'in-game' I've just installed the new ATI drivers but didn't uninstall first should I have? does anybody make faster drivers like they used to?? should I use something like driver cleaner to ensure i've not got any old drivers kicking about?

Was think about a new GPU but people seem to think that the Q6600 would bottleneck anything better and I can't get a stable OC over 2.9 (again I think it's the MOBO :cry: )


Oct 3, 2006
Sorry clarkjd, I should have made myself a bit clearer :pt1cable:

Yes I realise I will have to replace the DDR2 with DDR3 that's why its a bit annoying that I can only put 4Gb of DDR3 in which means no added RAM only faster RAM if I go for that upgrade option and I'm not sure if that is what is causing the bottle neck or even if I'd notice the difference!!