Taliban Renamed in Medal of Honor, PC Beta Live

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it's a freaking game people, not reality. why can't people distinguish between what's real and what is not? leave the Taliban in the game, it will make my buy the came and play it even more.
This is all completely stupid. I can't believe this trash. I've talked to servicemen who have been overseas and not a SINGLE one gives a who is in this game, some said they would play it and some said they are going to play COD when it comes out. So all the garbage play they game and let the bed wetting liberals.
So...Changing the name doesn't change the nature of the game itself.
American soldier vs Taliban in Middle East scenario
American soldier vs OpFor in Middle East scenario

Either way the 'lives' of American soldiers are getting 'lost' in a Middle East scenario.
For the critics of the name issues, doesn't the underlying problem still exist? That being they feel its insensitive to show the loss of lives of American soldier? Does changing the opposing party really fix the issue?
No it doesn't.

Just my 2 cents.
I don't see why too many people would care that they changed the classification of a group. It's not like the company was forced to change, they changed on their own free will.
Considering how fresh the curent war is, I can certainly understand the sentiment behind changing the name. That said, I can't help but feel this was just a publicity stunt to draw attention to the product. I never would have heard of this game otherwise
So what do you do when you choose to play as the 'opposing force'?
You'd not be opposing anymore. The US soldiers would be the 'opposing force'.
[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]95% of you are Marxist, Communist, Mao loving, Socialists, America hating PIGS! The bad thing is most of you live is Europe & if not for Soldiers would be living under Nazi rule. Bunch of Bitches, one day you will awake to an Imams calling you to prayer. And you don't go, off with your head. Where will your censorship be then. For you Mao loving, Socialists, name the Country other than America that has stood up for the weak. Think about how many woman America has freed in the Mid East. No you don't hear about that. Only when some lame ass "freedom Fighter" hides behind there own people knowing America with not fire on innocent civilians unless there is clear & present danger. Go eatyou bunch of Marxist Pigs! I swear the more we go to school the dumber we get.[/citation]

You sure did not go to school long enough... Talking about WW2, weren't you the pussy cats who waited for the Japs to attack before doing anything?

BTW kid, the red scare was already over in the 60s so you are kinda late to the party.
So now you can just kill US soldiers as the "opposing force".....how is that any more politically correct?

hope they bundle a tampon/pad with the game for all the sensitive ones.....
as a Marine.. this is just ridiculous!
soo.. now we can't call them Nazi's either in RTCW?
let's just take away all the sharp objects.. put foam bumpers on everything and sing kumbaya!
So, we have "good guys" and "bad guys". Just like when I was a kid. Still just a game and not a big deal. Too bad so much energy is wasted on this sort of discussion. 99.999% of service members (I am one and have been for more than 25 years) could care less about this issue. Next.
[citation][nom]razor512[/nom]In those countries, the enemies don't use human shields but they tend to dress as civilians so if there many people out there and bullets start flying at the soldiers, it is very easy to hit a innocent person because the enemy is dressed the same way.Imagine if another country was to invade America and the soldiers dressed like civilians, if stuff hits the fan, will the enemy be able to quickly tell the difference between a soldier and a civilian, or will they just start shooting everyone?Those who like to think of them self as freedom fighters in those countries are just crazy people who just like death and fighting and killing regardless of who it is. Does this seem like the thinking of a normal human thats not crazy or profoundly retarded?:They hate Americatheir solution to this problem is to suicide bomb a market place filled with only their own people and not Americans.Imagine if we had people like that running America during world war 2. The nazi's would attack and our retaliation would be the president sending the soldiers to kill American citizens instead of the enemy.[/citation]
Ever heard of Hiroshima? It's war and people will do anything to win. When it comes to suicide bombers broaden your view a bit, because rarely can you defeat an enemy you don't understand. Propaganda is one of the most powerful tools in any war. The western world gets fed that al-qaeda and the taliban are wicked men and those in the arab world get fed that American is an imperialist nation looking to do away with our way of life. Since they can't win in a conventional fight they fight guerrilla style. As for bombing innocent citizens, it's the "an eye for an" eye mentality (why should we get to sleep in peace when they can't) couple that with the fact that the easiest way to get at the leaders of a democracy is through the people. you have some reasons as to why they do what they do. I don't agree with the sick bastards but they are intelligent, if you were raised to believe that America was a country of infidels which had to be destroyed at any cost, would you know different? Unless the west can win the propaganda campaign and the hearts of the people this war just started.
Ugh.... "Out of respect for US soldiers" Sounds like bull crap to me. Why don't you just rename the entire game, "good dudes in green versus bad dudes in brown"
Whether we've become too easily offended/too PC is a perfectly legitimate question. I just see no point in singling EA out for this when just about any large game company would've done the same thing (Hot Coffee, anyone?). The suits are thinking "why take a chance with offending someone if taking the squeamish way out sells you another 10,000 copies, or even 1,000?" Since when is anyone surprised by that?

I think EA's PR people putting this "doing it out of respect for the troops" spin on it is far more offensive than if they had left the Taliban name in. Players will still kill them (or kill as them) either way. People will either be offended or they won't; the Taliban's/terrorists'/insurgents' in-game moniker won't change that at all.
So they are changing the name from Taliban to Opposing Force (they got Tali-Banned)
US forces still get to shoot generic turban wearing Arabs in the face
Generic turban wearing Arabs still get to shoot US forces in the face
So everything is fine now!!!
Glad we got that one sorted out and no one is offended, phew, false alarm guys
americas society is incapable to win any real war. that's why they are attacking small low tech countries. us is not the roman empire. germany iran are just too big for us to defeat them.

irak was weakened by decades of isolation and wars. demoralized population and terrain convenient for areal bombardment. us society isn't ready for the high death toll that will be paid in a big war. so there is no way that you wipe out anything but your ass.

American society does not fight wars.. the US military does.
the US military could easily defeat most countries... our ability to manufacture and maintain our equipment is superior. This is not bravado.. this is fact. Most countries have a good military but lack the infrastructure to maintain it on a large scale in times of war. Logistically and financially .. we are not in the best situation right now to wage a full on war.. but we still have the ability to do so.

Our society is not as weak as your portray.. Judging by your statement you either contribute or watch the liberal mainstream media too much. Americans will sacrifice a great deal if you push them too far.
Americans have this one little problem.. its called FREEDOM.. and for some strange reason.. if you try to take it away.. you get your ass kicked! ( try it out and see! )

"Irak".. Iraq was weekend by the US and over 30 other NATO forces that kicked their asses out of Kuwait.
I know.. because I was there. Saddam's soldiers on the front lines were not getting fed, paid or any support of any kind.. that is why they were giving themselves up and risking death by walking through the landmines to get 3 squares, medical and a cot from the Good old US of A!

As for Germany, Iran.. your confusing two issues.
1. Germany and Irans military are very small compared to the US military and neither could withstand a full scale attack from the US.
2. Its not man against man.. its the best tech and training backed up by support that wins today's wars and in that department we are superior. I'm not saying we are best.. just saying that we have everything needed.....TO BE THE BEST!
Thanks for playing
"us society isn't ready for the high death toll that will be paid in a big war"

The only reason the death toll from Iraq and Afghanistan are as high as they are is because our Military has its hands tied.
A “big war” would mean that winning is the goal and not the current loosing strategy of wining the hearts and minds that our US military is being forced to do. A tactic that our military was never designed for. We could turn Iraq or Afghanistan into glass if we wanted to.. but that is not are intentions in this conflict. The problem is.. we are facing an ideology.. not an army.. no uniforms or insignia, flag.. country to fight.. just small groups of cowardly men that use civilians as cover. If the US government would unchain the hounds of War.. the carnage would be.. well.. unimaginable… but the enemy would be destroyed.. unfortunately so would many innocent civilians along with it. You either fight to win.. or you don’t fight at all.
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