Team 40051 - Toms Needs U - Folding@Home

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Am I the only one with this problem?
If you're using the GUI version, under the configuration there's a % CPU time to use slider - fiddled with that?

You could maybe try running the Console version as a service - it asks how much CPU to steal when you install, but still stays as idle priority.

The other thing to remember is that since you have a P4C, you'll need 2 instances running with their own configs before they'll claim 100% usage anyway - but there's some debate about whether you actually get any benifit out of doing so or not.. 😱

"Sex without love is an empty experience...
But as empty experiences go, it's one of the best" - Woody Allen
If you're using the GUI version, under the configuration there's a % CPU time to use slider - fiddled with that?
Yep. This slider matters if you up the priority. However at the default (lowest) priority the usage never went above 2% even while the rest of the system was idle, making this slider useless at that priority.

You could maybe try running the Console version as a service - it asks how much CPU to steal when you install, but still stays as idle priority.
I could, but I doubt that it'd behave any differently, and if so then that'd be much worse because then I wouldn't have manual control anymore.

The other thing to remember is that since you have a P4C, you'll need 2 instances running with their own configs before they'll claim 100% usage anyway - but there's some debate about whether you actually get any benifit out of doing so or not..
**ROFL** Yeah. Isn't HT great? I'd say there's probably little benefit since as far as I can tell it already seems to be maxing out the physical processor with just the one thread.

I've looked into it a little bit more and it's clear now that the screen saver just wasn't working <i>at all</i> for me. So if I can figure out how to get that working (and if the screen saver will use the priority settings that I set in the GUI configuration) then all will be closer to good as it will be rocking when idle and idle when I'm rocking.

Though I'd still like to have a seperate screen saver priority from the standard priority so that I can have it run light in the background normally, but crunch like all hell when in screen saver. Maybe that will be in a future version. Maybe the future version will also have a way to run on port 80 instead of port 8080 for easy use behind a corporate/edu/large-scale non-personal firewall that's configured to block 8080 but not 80. (Which is a standard setup for for web browsing only.)

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>
I don't recommend running the screensaver. Run the GUI is you must but installing the FAHconsole as a service is the best way to ensure you are folding all the time.

If your not getting 100% CPU usage, what else is using the CPU? System Idle Process? Something else must be taking priority over F@H if it's not running at 100%. Do you have SETI installed?

You can always run F@H at below normal instead of idle priority, that still won't take anything away from a game running at normal priority.

My electric bill is $25 a month, not much considering my Dual OC Athlon's run 24/7
I don't recommend running the screensaver. Run the GUI is you must but installing the FAHconsole as a service is the best way to ensure you are folding all the time.
Well I agree, however if I can't get the priority problems straightened out then the only way to have a fully automated system is to use the screen saver.

If your not getting 100% CPU usage, what else is using the CPU? System Idle Process? Something else must be taking priority over F@H if it's not running at 100%. Do you have SETI installed?
It's (more or less) only the system idle process taking up the rest at the lowest priority. Nothing else is taking priority, unless the system idle process is. **ROFL** And no, I don't have SETI or any other such installed.

You can always run F@H at below normal instead of idle priority, that still won't take anything away from a game running at normal priority.
Are you sure? I thought that below normal still ate up some of the CPU regardless of what is running. Hence why Windows has an even lower priority. Even still, I suppose I can try this and see how it pans out.

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>
Anybody have an idea on how Robc1880 can fix his problem?

From: Robc1880
Received: 02/18/05 00:43 AM
I had the folding program on my old system but didn't carry it over to my new system, so I downloaded and installed it. Now it can't seem to connect to the server. Here is what the log file says:

[15:01:31] - Ask before connecting: No
[15:01:31] - User name: RobC1880 (Team 40051)
[15:01:31] - User ID not found locally
[15:01:31] + Requesting User ID from server
[15:22:27] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[15:22:27] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID
+ Could not get ID from server. Retrying...
[15:22:35] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID
[15:22:36] + Could not connect to Secondary Assignment Server for ID

Do you know how I can fix this so it can start the folding again? Thanks.

The loving are the daring!
Hey slvr
When you set the slider, it tells F@H how much of your chip you want to use in total (including in games) Folding will only use what is the difference between what you are using, and what the slider says. If in gaming, you are using 84% of the cpu, and you have the slider set to 90%, folding will use only 6%. It will not interfear with your cpu usage, as it uses only unused cycles.
The only place when this is not the case, is with memory. If you allow it to use more than 5 megs, it tends to eat up 100 megs of system memory. Then it doesn't matter how much of the cpu you are using, because it is holding onto that chunck of ram.
Generally, before I start to game, I just right click the icon, and quit folding. That's fine, as long as I remember to restart after I'm finished playing.
I used to not allow it to use the extra memory, but the larger folds are worth a lot more points.
<b> _________ FOLDING FOR THE FUTURE _________</b>

<b>Members Changed: +0 Total 84</b> But we may have a new folder soon :smile:

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)

dopefish ________ 1,000 - applause..congrats..Welcome to the 1k club.

<b>Project Rank: 221 (-6)</b> of 36000. We ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world just stick together.


Any ideas on a contest or a way to drum up membership? :lol: . The single rig folders deserver special praise for sticking with us. As some of you may have noticed they have a little contest of their own going.

We seeem to have defeated as well as deflated FRM. Looks like their average has dropped off a little while ours is pretty steady. Some of you are taking up the slack of our own regular contributor reduction and that's wonderful.

Just over a week, at this pace, till we break the 200 barrier. Another milestone that seemed so so far away in Decemeber.

<b>Contest:</b> At least 7 Gmails have been given out so far!!! We've got more! Just ask. <b> Anybody have ideas for a new contest? </b>

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

The loving are the daring!
Hey Flinx, want a new goal? If you can get to a little over 80K, that will put you in the top 1% of folders. Seems easy enough, when you think of how quick it was getting into the to 10K.
Besides, your team needs you.
Please show us how it should be done.
<b> _________ FOLDING IS GOOD FOR THE FUTURE _________</b>

<b>Members Changed: +1 Total 85</b> Welcome Slvr_phoenix :smile:

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)
Today going to recap this weeks milestones:

sjonnie ________ 120,000
Sparky853 ______ 40,000
Xnilf ___________ 40,000
me _____________40,000 - Congrats <b>me!</b> See you at 80k
apesoccer _______ 30,000
Stefan __________ 20,000
TheGreatGrapeApe _ 10,000 - Who won the race?
PhukFace ________ 10,000 - Who won the race?
mozzartusm ______ 5,000
MasterPooBaa ____ 5,000
Carey ___________ 5,000
ATARLECK ________ 1,000
dopefish _________ 1,000
mrwhipper _______ 1,000

<b>Project Rank: 220 (-1)</b> of 36000. We ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world just stick together.


Any ideas on a contest or a way to drum up membership? :lol: .

I think we set a <b>new one day record: 17,361</b>. That's teamwork! We're going to be pretty darn close to 100,000 points for the week too. That could be our next record.

BTW, team "FRM" is in position 229 and we're at 220. We've opened up our lead but they're still going to be chasing us into the next series of 100's.

<b>Contest:</b> At least 7 Gmails have been given out so far!!! We've got more! Just ask. <b> Anybody have ideas for a new contest? </b>

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

The loving are the daring!
For those of you who don't want to join our team but who are having SETI withdrawal here is something that might interest you.

<A HREF="" target="_new">Einstein@Home</A>

The loving are the daring!
It looks like Cisco doesn't want to give way. They are 200 points further ahead of us now, than they were 23 hours ago. They have increased thier daily average by 50%. I wish Mr. Scott was in the engine room.
When you set the slider, it tells F@H how much of your chip you want to use in total (including in games) Folding will only use what is the difference between what you are using, and what the slider says. If in gaming, you are using 84% of the cpu, and you have the slider set to 90%, folding will use only 6%. It will not interfear with your cpu usage, as it uses only unused cycles.
This is only true if you leave it at the default 'lowest' priority. If you up the priority to the second-lowest then it gets more than just idle usage.

It's funny. I set it up the console/service version on my wife's AMD laptop and it works exactly as it should. (I don't expect her to actually finish units often since she doesn't leave it running 24/7 and I limited it to 25% of the CPU, but hopefully she can at least complete a WU once a month or something.) But on my Intel PC at the lowest priority it just doesn't use idle resources. My "System Idle Process" can be running 95% and it still won't use any more of my CPU even with the slider at 100%. It makes no sense. It only uses resources if I up the thread priority. But if I up the thread priority then it's no longer just using idle resources. Now it's actually taking some of the CPU from other sources. It's quite goofy.

I had been planning on benchmarking the performance hit, but I spent most of my saturday actually doing stuff, and most of my sunday reading and relaxing. So maybe sometime this week I'll determine if it's really so bad. For most of my games it probably won't matter, and for those that it does I can alwaus halt F@H while I play anyway. It'd just be nice if it was working the way that it's supposed to work so that I don't need to bother with manual control of what it's doing. :\

Anywho, I've got one WU done now. My second should hopefully be coming in sometime today or tomorrow. (It's been rather unpredictable on how long it actually takes.)

I've been contemplating digging up my old Celeron 500 box and removing enough components to make it stable so that I can run it as a print server. F@H might be enough of an incentive to actually bother digging it up and getting it running again. **ROFL** Maybe it could complete a work unit once a month...

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>
From: Robc1880
Received: 02/18/05 00:43 AM
I had the folding program on my old system but didn't carry it over to my new system, so I downloaded and installed it. Now it can't seem to connect to the server.
Looks like a firewall problem to me. I tried to use it at work but our firewall must be blocking port 8080. :\ So I get the same problem. When I searched through some F@H forums I found that <i>supposedly</i> F@H is able to connect on port 80 if port 8080 fails, however the reality is that there seems to be a bug there that prevents that from working.

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>
They are 200 points further ahead of us now, than they were 23 hours ago. They have increased thier daily average by 50%. I wish Mr. Scott was in the engine room.
Looks like I need to get off my a$$ and repair the XP system. a single 2.3Ghz XP may make all the difference.

It's just started snowing here so I'll see what it looks like when I want to go home...if it looks a abit miserable then I might stay on for an hour or two and try to replace those dodgy caps.

Here's a weird thing - I've read that people have found adjusting your FSB makes F@H throw its current WU away, but my A64 has continued crunching away on a WU through all my recent tweaking of the new system... Does this not apply to A64s in the same way, or am I just lucky or something?

"Sex without love is an empty experience...
But as empty experiences go, it's one of the best" - Woody Allen
For sure if your overclock fails a couple of times it gives up. I think it sends what you've done. They had these mystery units in the graphics forum. Remember one gentleman had 0.11 points for his work. So the unit may seem to have disappeared.

The loving are the daring!
Hi Endyen,

I had a look at cisco. They've had two really big days. If they keep up this pace they'll be kicking our butts all the way to the top 100!

The loving are the daring!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Flinx on 02/21/05 07:29 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
<b> _________ FOLDING IS GOOD FOR THE FUTURE _________</b>

<b>Members Changed: +1 Total 86</b> Welcome Confoundicator :smile: It's good to know we're still reaching out to people.

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)

sjonnie ________ 120,000
apesoccer _______ 40,000 - Weren't you at 30k yesterday?
xponxhox _______ 10,000 - You the man

<b>Project Rank: 216 (-4)</b> of 36000. We ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world just stick together.


Before the night is out <b>we'll be at 750,000 points! </b>

Ok I had a laugh about you know who Endyen! I really suggest you reread my reply though!!! :lol:

Any ideas on a contest or a way to drum up membership? :lol: .

<b>Contest:</b> At least 7 Gmails have been given out so far!!! We've got more! Just ask. <b> Anybody have ideas a contest? </b>

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

The loving are the daring!
<b>Members Changed: +1 Total 87</b> Hi there Jimbomanx :smile: Glad your aboard. Keep the points comming!

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)

Chipdeath _______ 40,000 - Not burned out yet 😀

<b>Project Rank: 210 (-6)</b> of 36000. We ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world just stick together.

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

The loving are the daring!
Look out folks. The <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=purple><i>Silver Phoenix Group</i></font color=purple></A> is slowly moving up in the ranks. With my third WU complete I now have 1041 points and am in 63rd place at THGC F@H. :O

<pre>Antec Sonata 2x120mm
P4C 2.6
Asus P4P800Dlx
2x512MB CorsairXMS3200C2
Leadtek A6600GT TDH
RAID1 2xHitachi 60GB
Altec Lansing 251
NEC FE990 19"CRT</pre><p>

Last two WU have both been 63 pointers.. :frown:

AMD 64 3200+, MSI K8T Neo2, 1GB Dual-Channel DDR400, ATI R9800PRO 128MB, TT PurePower 420W, LG DVD+-R/RW
What about my magnificent 21 pointer. I don't even know where that one came from or why it happened. All my machines seem normal. Guess I'll have to check the logs

<b>Congrats to Slvr_phoenix</b> Welcome to the 100 point club. See ur folding up a storm. Rose 21 ranks this week and the week isn't even over yet! Keep those points comming!

<b>Rank: 209 @ 6PM EST</b> Today looks like it's shaping to be a pretty good day. We've exceeded 100,000 points in the last 7 days, in fact <b> 104,543 </b>. Have never seen us exceed 100k/week before. <b>Yippee.. Go Team!</b>

The loving are the daring!
UPDATE!! I sent in 5 different logs of Wu's that terminated early and I never received points on. I noticed around 100 points that came from nowhere so I am confident that I got some credit for those partial WU's

Just something to think about if any of you have had the same problem.