Team 40051 - Toms Needs U - Folding@Home


Jun 8, 2001
Folding@Home is a LARGE GRID COMPUTING effort. Presently over 1,000,000 computers and over 400,000 people have contributed. Present speed is approximately 200 Teraflops. Completely nonprofit and totally for humanities benefit. Join the team, it's kind of fun. :-D.

__Us-><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Them-><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Seems other people/sites can claim they have great community spirit. Join us and show the world you have too. <b>It's not everyday you're part of the top 100 teams in the world!!!</b> Soon you'll be able to say you are.

Some things your (future) teammates have done:
1-<A HREF="" target="_new"> Click here to read "Folding" as explained by "sjonnie". </A>
2-"Spitfire_X86" created <A HREF="" target="_new">this growing list of cpu benchmarks</A> but "ChipDeath" made <A HREF="" target="_new">pretty colors</A> in the graphics forum.

"priyajeet" started a team to do protein folding for humanities benefit and to have this community recognized. We're team 40051 at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> and we could use a little of your help.

Previous Threads:<A HREF="" target="_new"> _1_</A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _2_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _3_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _4_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _5_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> _6_ </A><A HREF="" target="_new"> Original </A>

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

I'm also giving away GMail just send a private message to "Flinx", "wusy", "priyajeet","Spitfire_x86", "ChipDeath" or "rugger" after completing 100 points.


The loving are the daring!
<b>Members Changed: +0 Total 83</b>

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)

me ________ 30,000 - Hip Hip Hooray for "me"
spitfire_x86 __ 5,000 - Blowing the enemy out of the sky!
de_hamti ____ 1,000 - Well met German; a Toms Germany member
Starfishy ____ 1,000 - Swimming hard

<b> ---- !!! GO TEAM GO !!! ---</b>

<b>Project Rank: 248 (-5)</b> of 36000. Together we ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world.

"Wusy" will be happy to know that team "FRM" is in our crosshairs; only 7 positions to go.
<b>New one day record of 16,897</b> beating the old 15,301.

We just made "Geek Soup" out of "The Geek Group". Those crazy canucks on "Team Canada" can sell us their national igloo; we're just to hot!

<b> !!! ----- Folding Up A Storm -------- !!! </b>

<b>Contest:</b> At least 7 Gmails have been given out so far!!!

The loving are the daring!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Flinx on 02/10/05 05:11 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Just a couple things...

1) Our previous one day high was 15,301 points

2) Try and remember that I am in Canada, so too many crazy canuck references and I may join Team FRM :evil:

3) j/k about #2


BTW, excellent work team!!!

XP2800+, Abit NF7, 1GB Dual-Channel DDR333, ATI R9800PRO 128MB, TT PurePower 420W, LG DVD+-R/RW

A64 3000+ @ 2340mhz(9x260) - MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum - Crucial BallistiX 2x512 PC4000 2.5 3 3 11- Asus 6800GT @ 400/1100 - 2x WD Raptor 36gb 10000rpm RAID 0 - Hiper 525w.
How do you benchmark your system using the graphical & console F@H client?

I know it was explained in one of the earlier threads but reading through 3.75 million posts is way too much work.

How to benchmark and other helpful hints (or links to that info) probably should be part of your first post.

Thanks for your help.
[Instructions for 2000/XP]

right-click tray icon, click Quit to close it.
open command prompt (Start -> Run -> "cmd.exe")

<b>C:\Documents and Settings\XXX></b>cd\<Folding@Home Folder>
<b>C:\Program Files\Folding@Home></b>WinFAH -verbosity 9

Then simply check the latest <b>FahLog.txt</b> file (or right-click tray icon, "Status" -> "Log File", and you should see something like (in the last log entry, that is):<pre>Launch directory: C:\Program Files\Folding@Home
Arguments: -verbosity 9

[15:21:18] - Ask before connecting: No
[15:21:18] - User name: ChipDeath (Team 40051)
[15:21:18] - User ID: 264B4C632D54B52B
[15:21:18] - Machine ID: 1
[15:21:18] Loaded queue successfully.
[15:21:18] Initialization complete
[15:21:18] + Benchmarking ...
[15:21:20] The benchmark result is <b>7488</b></pre><p>...And there ya go!

"Sex without love is an empty experience...
But as empty experiences go, it's one of the best" - Woody Allen<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by ChipDeath on 02/10/05 03:26 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
What, you mean we're going to have to put together a FAQ?
If you do I promise to read it at least once a year. Also I will promise to only post 1 question per week that is covered by the FAQ. 😛

I really enjoy reading the READ THE F^%#$@*&%^(&% FAQ YOU FRIKKIN DUMB^%#^!!!!!!!!!!!! threads. :)
Thank you.

Am I correct in assuming that the instruction you supplied applies to just the graphical F@H client or does that work with both clients?
It will work with the other one, just run the FAH502-Console.exe (IIRC - something like that) with -verbosity 9, rather than WinFAH in the example above.

Obviously You have to end the process through task manager rather than just right-clicking, as there's nothing to right-click on 😱 ....

"Sex without love is an empty experience...
But as empty experiences go, it's one of the best" - Woody Allen
I stand corrected. Thank you.

P.S. I'm one of those crazy guys too. I never took you seriously on the matter.

The loving are the daring!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Flinx on 02/10/05 05:12 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Here are my Benchmarks

A64 3200+ ClawHammer clocked at 2060 MHz, 1 Gig System RAM score 6724

P4, HT Enabled, Northwood clocked @ 2992.5 MHz, 512 MB System RAM, CPU1 Score 4636, CPU2 Score 4596.

Info pulled from CPU-Z.
<b>Members Changed: +0 Total 83</b>

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)

Russel _____ 1,000 - Let's hear a round of applause..congrats
<b> ---- !!! GO TEAM GO !!! ---</b>

<b>Project Rank: 243 (-5)</b> of 36000. Together we ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world.

"Wusy" will be happy to know that team "FRM" is in our crosshairs; only 5 positions to go.

<b> !!! ----- Fantastic Folding -------- !!! </b>

<b>Contest:</b> At least 7 Gmails have been given out so far!!!

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

The loving are the daring!

Get the FAH502-Console.exe verson. Make a directory for it somewhere. Enter command prompt and go to that directory.

Type FAH502-console.exe -local -configonly

When it asks you if you want to install the program as a service type yes. It will tell you to restart but that's not necessary.

The program exists on completion of the config.

Type services.msc. When it launches scroll down to find the F@H service. Click on it and start it.

There you go!
A simpler way to instantly install the service on someone's computer is to get hold of the program sc.exe, an NT addon which gives you command line installation of services. Supposing you had a floppy with sc.exe and regedit.exe in root and FAH502-console.exe, client.cfg and FAH.reg in a folder called FAH. Along with that you have the following batch file install.bat in root
<pre>:rem install.bat
:rem installs Folding@home service

xcopy /q /i /y A:\FAH\. A:\Program Files\FAH\
A:\sc.exe create FAHAgent binPath= "C:\Program Files\FAH\FAH502-console.exe -svcstart -forceasm -local -verbosity 9" start= auto DisplayName= FAHAgent
A:\regedit.exe /s A:\FAH\FAH.reg
A:\sc.exe start FAHAgent
</pre><p>The client.cfg file looks like

</pre><p>And the FAH.reg file contains the following registry entry.
</pre><p>Tadaaa, with one click you can install the FAH service wherever you want. The FAH.reg registry entry changes the restart behaviour which I couldn't see how to do with sc.exe

I got the idea from a script I saw for installing the FAH service remotely as an NT domain administrator. Now THAT would rock.
in reply to:
I got the idea from a script I saw for installing the FAH service remotely as an NT domain administrator. Now THAT would rock.
I'm thinking along these lines, too!
-- rolling it out to ~200 P4's vía the SMS-Server...-- wow!!
but no: I think, that would be the point where feces might hit the fan...
and another score:
[18:54:25] + Benchmarking ...
[18:54:27] The benchmark result is 6892
and thats a Athlon2600+ @ 2.13(well, the default)
with 512mb
ps.: nice idea, I'm not sure, I shall use it, though!
<b>Members Changed: +0 Total 83</b>

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)

georgebee _____ 1,000 - applause..congrats .. Welcome to the 1k club

<b> ---- !!!YEAH For The FOLDERS !!! ---</b>

<b>Project Rank: 242 (-1)</b> of 36000. Together we ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world.

"Wusy" will be happy to know that team "FRM" is in our crosshairs; only 5 positions to go.

<b> !!! ----- Fabulous Folding -------- !!! </b>

<b>Contest:</b> At least 7 Gmails have been given out so far!!!

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

The loving are the daring!
hey, sjonnie!!
with this update you sent in 666 points!! should this tell me something? ;-)
and the 1444 points you made today! beautiful scores!!
<b>Members Changed: +0 Total 83</b>

<b>Kudos, Individual Milestones</b>: <A HREF="" target="_new">link</A>. (sorry if I inadvertantly miss you)

sidvicious ____ 20,000 - Aggresive folding dude! ;-)
xiphos ________ 1,000 - applause..congrats .. Welcome to the 1k club

<b> ---- !!!YEAH For The FOLDERS !!! ---</b>

<b>Project Rank: 236 (-6)</b> of 36000. Together we ARE going to make the top 100 teams in the world.

"Wusy" will be happy to know that team "FRM" is only a small jump away :smile: .

I still keep looking at where we'll be in about 60 days. We're going to bog down in the low 100's. We need much, much, much more computer power. We need to find 2,000,000 points somewhere.

<b> !!! ----- Fabulous Folding -------- !!! </b>

<b>Contest:</b> At least 7 Gmails have been given out so far!!!

Come join us. We'd like to have you with us. There are over 80 of us Now and were nowhere near enough, we'd like your company. We're <b>team 40051</b> at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>.

The loving are the daring!
I noticed that. If there's one man who's not going to lose interest, I thought it'd be him.

I'm suprised that you & Sparky are giving me a stay of execution.... since I've lost my home rig :frown: (see other threads for info on that one...) I was expecting to drop a place or two fairly quickly. Guess it'll take a couple of days for real impact to make itself known.

"Sex without love is an empty experience...
But as empty experiences go, it's one of the best" - Woody Allen
I set myself a goal soon after I started. That was to be under the 10,000 top contributors in the world. I've reached that goal. It was a little easier than I thought.

I'm now a moving target for all of you. My new goal is to be a target. Some of you are going to catch me and some of you may try. We can form a chase team. For sure if you slack off I'll come and pass you.

I'll keep contributing just not at the frantic pace of before. If it would help, I'd kick in more cycles to reach a finite goal. We'll see if it's necessary as I approach the world's top 1% of contributors and as we try to go for the top 100. That seems a fair stretch off.

I'm afraid that without a buildup of alot of computing power we're going to get bogged down in the low 100's.
I don't know where to go for more resources. I thought the Germans might be a source. Maybe more of them will wake up. We can probably forget the French, although evey little bit would help.

Tom's English forum seems to be pretty much tapped out. We haven't added a new member in a few days. I think we'll still be able to recruit someone from time to time but I don't think we're going to add another 50 next month. That was pretty amazing.. going from 20 to 80 in about a month :smile: . People have done an amazing job keeping up a constant flow of ideas an enthusiasm. Everyone involved can and should feel proud.

Only thing I can think of is to teasingly charge people we answer questions for some computing cycles. "priyajeet" tried to reach the website manager but I guess their supporting another effort with some small advertising. I never see that advertising though. Maybe a prize? Do you think if I supply a Celeron 333 as a raffle prize we'd get more contributors? :lol: (I also have a semi working BH6 I could contribute.) As, I've said b4. We need 2,000,000 points. After that we could hold our place in the ranks with a smaller crew.

<b>Do you guys have any ideas?</b>

The loving are the daring!