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Leo Fellmann <> wrote:
>Bateau wrote:
>| Leo Fellmann <> wrote:
>|>Bateau wrote:
>|>| "Insane Ranter" <> wrote:
>|>|>"Bateau" <Gamera@work.stomping.aza> wrote in message
>|>|>>John Baker <> wrote:
>|>|>>>My very first adventure game was Zork. My very first graphical
>|>|>>>adventure game was Temple of Apshai. I've been feeling nostalgic
>|>|>>>I have tried unsuccessfully for some time to track down the current
>|>|>>>copyright holder of Temple of Apshai. I'm pretty sure it is
>|>|>>>I am now about to go ahead with a pseudo-port of Temple of Apshai into
>|>|>>>the Neverwinter Nights environment (as part of a larger project). If
>|>|>>>you are the current copyright holder for this game, please contact me
>|>|>>>ASAP if you have a problem with this (before I have devoted
>|>|>>>time & effort into the project).
>|>|>>Hasbro owns the copyrights now. They had been bought by 3 other
>|>|>>companies previously so I doubt Hasbro even know they own them.
>|>|>>That's an interesting thought though. If you ask them and they say they
>|>|>>don't own the rights then they would NEVER be able to sue you for it.
>|>|>Oh? Ya sure???
>|>| Yes. If they sued you for using something they told you they didn't own
>|>| it would be extortion.
>|>Only if they gave you no prior warning.
>| No. Merely threatening to sue you would be extortion.
>Not if they make attempts to resolve the matter beforehand. I agree that
>it would be the case if they suddenly pop up out of the blue 6 months
>later and go "give us money or we'll sue you for mucho dollars" or
>somesuch, but if you get a letter along the lines of "there has been
>amistake we do own the rights after all, can you please stop" and tell
>em to eff off they probably can sue you sucessfully.
>Not that this is incredibly relevant since they couldn't exactly claim
>much in the way of damages.
If they deny ownership they give up all right to control its use. If you
don't bother protecting your IP you lose it. They would know they would
never win if they sued, and any judge would know they know that, so he
would kick their asses too.
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