Test a CPU



Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips (More info?)

How can I find out if my CPU is damaged. There is some phyisical damage to one of the corners but i need to know if it is affecting my computer's perfomance.


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips (More info?)

Bitstring <m41bc.28652$u_2.14273@nwrddc01.gnilink.net>, from the
wonderful person D. Jones <djones0315@hotmail.com> said
>How can I find out if my CPU is damaged. There is some phyisical
>damage to one of the corners but i need to know if it is affecting my
>computer's perfomance.

It would be a minor miracle if you managed to physically damage a CPU in
any way that made it run with reduced performance. 99.9% of damaged CPUs
don't run, period.

If by 'corner' you mean the corner of the ceramic substrate (the 1"
square brown bit) you are probably OK. If you damaged a corner of the
actual silicon chip or 'die' (which is exposed on most AMD CPUs) that is
normally 100% fatal.

GSV Three Minds in a Can
Outgoing Msgs are Turing Tested,and indistinguishable from human typing.


Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips (More info?)

D. Jones wrote:
> How can I find out if my CPU is damaged. There is some phyisical
> damage to one of the corners but i need to know if it is affecting my
> computer's perfomance.


Download, install and run Prime95. (Options|Torture Test|Blend|) If it runs
8 hours without a hiccup, the CPU is very likely fine. Have the hardware set
to stock speeds and timings.