First and foremost I started reading Tom's a number of years ago because they tested and reported on hardware and software, and I could make buying decisions and professional recommendations based off of information I found on this site. Here of late there has been reporting on what another site has done without testing results, reporting on apple bloggers, and a lack of fact checking. Its a discredit to this site's reputation for factual information. I understand Yam is more then likely to be on the "Apple Beat" but get statements from Apple, do tests, hell cite press releases. I don't care if Tom's reports on Apple, I don't care if they have favourable reviews of Apple products, but have they need to make sure that their "reporters" are working and not just copying and pasting what ever they can find on a top 5 google searches.
Now on to the issues at hand, if bootcamp only creates separate partitions on the disk then why can't you do a clean windows install without it? If bootcamp's only function is to partition a hard drive while leaving the original data in tact why go through the messy process of installing two OSs on the same disk? Because you have to use Bootcamp to install windows, why I don't know, but to use MS on Apple you have to use bootcamp. That fact alone suggests that bootcamp does more then partition the hard drive.
Secondly using two apple programs when comparing an apple OS to a windows OS invalidates that data. It would be like testing IE (which was ported to apple at one point)on both systems to see which one surfed the web faster or using Office to test productivity.
To have a fair testing of the two OSs Tom's needs to purchase a copy of both, buy a Mac and build a PC with the exact same specs. Test Windows in it's native hardware, test Apple in it's native hardware, test Apple on the PC (hackintosh is like bootcamp to me don't care how it's done if it's done), and test Windows on the mac. Use software that is cross platform only, start/shutdown/sleep speeds, power consumption, productivity software (i'm guessing open office here), file conversion, and gaming speed. Compare overall scores. If apple is fast yea every one go buy a mac, if MS is faster yea every one go buy a PC. If apple runs faster on apple and windows on a pc then well buy which ever floats your boat.
But do not post test results that you didn't create and call it fact, do not pull data from bloggers and call it news, do not assume that keeping up with this crap will not lead to long time readers leaving your site for ones that are reporting facts and news.