Wow... Is this article for real?
Not that it is necessarily very relevant to this article...but....
My favorite thing about Apple is their ridiculous and shamefully ironic TV ads with the Mac guy and the PC dork. I love how they so clearly segregate the computer world into two distinct camps even though this perverse generalization is in no way founded in reality. Even better is that they make these outrageous claims about PC's poor performance, lack of personalization, and PC's general state of suckiness, that are founded on overblown misconceptions and gross generalizations. Before you attack others, make sure your own gear "just works".
All the while, Mac hipster guy is just so smug and cool... I love how Apple tries to bundle their iJunk with a cool, with-it, fonzie, nonconformist image. In reality Apple is about as bland as it gets. Apple is all about conformity: they all look the same, they all use the same software, they don't support crap but their own stuff, Jobs is like hitler when it comes to third-party-anything (Thanks for "bricking" everyones iPhone, ass!).
(@lafery) Apple is the same two bit, scandalous, super capitalist corporation as microsoft (at least Bill Gates practices philanthropy), so get those images of Steve Jobs and his iLightsaber striking down Darth Gates out of your head. All Apple did was style and paint it's iCrap white to make it look like some 70's art deco future turd, procure a hip persona, and now they are waging this strange guerilla-warfare-esque ad campaign against M$ using the disillusioned youth and people who buy laptops to match their shoes, so as to boost sales. Seriously though, If you housed an etch-a-sketch in the macbook air's enclosure iTards would be lining up to buy it... in fact they probably wouldn't notice or care as long as it looks stylin', is twice as expensive as the boring, original, conformist etch-a-sketch, and buying it means they are stickin' it to the man.
I know i sound crazy... but not as crazy as the guy who wrote this article! I mean seriously, what's he smokin'? Just face the fact that Apple is too expensive and, at best, the same quality as a PC. Also, in regards to looks? Working for Tom's I would assume this author has browsed neweggs huge selection of computer cases, mouseseses (mice?), keyboards and everything else you can buy (for cheap) to make your computer unique and far better looking than any Macintrash.
But I still can't take that slogan away from them: "it just works". I'm glad they are enabling more people to continue to be completely computer illiterate. If you had even a little general skill you wouldn't be relegated to the Mac world... surprisingly MOST people use PCs and even manage to scratch out a few TPS reports, all in a good days work! A computer should be treated like a pet, not a appliance, take care of it and it will serve you well for years. or you can buy a Mac and never really have to understand anything about a computer... although you still bother me on my lunch break to ask me how to make it >insert asinine tech support question here<
If marketshare is apples goal, they should be careful. It keeps people from making viruses for them because with the marketshare they have it isn't economically viable (could be wrong), you couldn't make a zombie network big enough to hack in to your overweight kids lunchbox.
Glad I couldn't help end this mac v. pc debate, it's so entertaining! please continue, Apple fans, I'm sure the computer industry is the one, single industry ever where building it yourself or buying generic is not more economical than buying the expensive name brand.