until now I was just lurking on tom's site... but this article just kicks me to write something. as an old mac evangelist (started out with the original mac II) I always loved to preach to people about the mac advantages and sold a ton of them to (still) happy users. well, that was up until stevo decided to jump ship and to roll up the pirate flag above cupertino and go full mainstream/lifestyle. looks like the ipod success really did it for jobso and all the undecided fan-bois. nowadays everybody has his head so far up steve job's ass that I really wonder how they breathe. the fan-bois flocked so fast to apple that I guess some must have experienced a whiplash while turning their heads the other way. I would rather be back in the old days when the PC guys just smiled at us for being a curious little group of enthusiasts. at least I had a good reason for defending apple; then. but today!? not really. quality, service, innovation, all of it went down the drain and still there is more cheering than ever before. try to be a bit critical on a mac site and you will be bashed for it in a way that you were only used to by those famous troll-sites. don't get me wrong, I still only use OS X privately but I am also happy with my windows machines at work; but I would not bash any windows user for using vista or having a bang out of his SLI super graphic system. but those new fans should be aware that mac today is just using the same hardware from intel as any other manufacturer in the field. sure it is nicely designed and the OS X just works (mostly) flawlessly with the hardware, but the hardware itself is the SAME as any other, but with a, according to my book, unjustified price premium (and sorry, but ilife does not justify the price either - in fact to mention this is kinda silly as you can get freeware that does more than ilife). anyways, just wanted to mention from somebody who worked long enough with apple in the consumer market that the price is ALWAYS higher than that of a similar PC!